・❥ 3

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"hey! who the hell are you?!"
Exclaimed a young adult with a green hair as he noticed the people coming near the building.

The crowd among the espers went wild as they whispered to one another. "What do they want?!"
"Is this people with the intruders?!"
"Hey, get the others!"

Y/n look around the people weirdly, she sneers at their bad choice of clothes before looking back to hers. Her shirt is literally ripped out like there was supposed to be scars so she can't be the one to judge them for the odd sense of fashion style..

"Hey.. what are you guys talking about? What's going on inside?" Reigen asked, snapping y/n out of her own world as she also wonder the same thing.

The green guy from before step up to his ground and told him to not move.
"Don't move, you suspicious jerk!"
"Tell us Who are you?!"

"Oh.. yea.." reigen then put his hand in his coat, pulling out something which surprises the others. Misunderstanding him for taking out a gun.

"Ah.. crap, i ran out of business card.."

'that DUMBASS..' y/n silently thought while listening to them talking.

"Business card..?"
"Did he say business cards?"

"Anyways.. listen you guys. Is something going on inside?" Reigen asked again, this time taking a few steps forward as it scares the small esper. Y/n however was smiling at their reaction. What a coward!

"We have nothing to say to some weird outsiders!" Says an unknown esper.

"Hmm.. well thats strange, im usually informed when something happens." Reigen muttered, unintentionally saying it out loud for everyone to hear. "But I haven't heard anything.." he said slightly dissapointed in them.

'clearly we've stepped into a cult or something worse.' thought y/n once again, her face sharpening in all seriousness as she looks quite pissed.

"What do you mean..?"

"Could he mean?!"

"So, let me get straight to the point. Can you all use pyshic powers?" He questioned, earning even more of a confused sound from other people.

'pyshic power? Tsk, so there's not really much of a difference here huh..' y/n says out loud in her head, she attempted to calm down her nerve before she accidentally crushes tareo with a hug.

"H-how does he know that?.."

"He knows about our organization?"

"He's acting pretty important.."

Due to how useless they are and won't even give a single information, reigen arataka sighed once again. He then continued to walk straight ahead for the entrance door. "Sorry but im getting nowhere with you guys.."

"Hold it, you damned intruder!" Said a skinny looking guy, he looks quite similar to a mad man. But when he put his hand on reigen shoulder and gripped onto it tightly, not letting the man go.

"S-stop it! He might be.."

"I think so too.."

"Let me go." Says reigen with his serious face. "I'm only here to talk with my subordinate!"

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