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A taxi car could be seen driving its way in the lonely forest. The driver infront looks around the wood weirdly while the others in the backseat are curious, bored and concerned.

One of them being tareo, y/n and reigen arataka. Y/N doesn't really have anything to comment on for this. She honestly could've refused the offer but she can't leave her small friend with a stranger alone.

After all, she doesn't really trust him. Maybe a little for saving her and tareo but that's just it.

Tareo was getting a little scared due to how deep they're getting in the forest. Hopefully nothing bad happens. He said in his mind, looking at the woman beside him. Tareo smiles brightly at y/n.

Im sure that nothing bad can happen, as long as y/n is here with us!

Reigen.. he couldn't stop looking at the map location on his phone screen. His eyes are dead set on it.
Dammit mob.. you could've told me you had other plan.

why do you think i gave you a cellphone.

Thought reigen in frustration, he let out a small sigh and call out to the driver.

"You can drop us off here."
Reigen stated, startling the driver as he instantly pushed on the break.

"T-thank you.. that'll be 8,810¥" says the driver, he didn't dare to look behind him. Since he's already creeped out by the atmosphere.

Reigen then pull out a bag of salt, scaring the driver even more as the poor man shrieks in fear. "Hmph. C'mon guys, let's go."

As reigen opens the car door, he pull his leg out from the car as his body then also follow along.
"Eek!?-..s-sir.. what are you going to do out this late?.." the driver questioned. Y/n didn't give reigen the chance to even reply back as she says "to meet the dead" with a smirk forming on her face.

She proudly scares off the driver with a tease while holding tareo body close to her. Tareo fell asleep right when they were near the destination to drop off, so y/n couldn't help but to carry his small form in her arm.

Reigen sweatdrop at what y/n had said to the driver, he decided it wasn't that important so he should probably just ignore it and began his investigation.

'what the hell is he doing out here anyway..' thought reigen referring to mob.


Opening music rollin in!

Once upon a time, there were these two sweet brothers who were stuck deep in the forest. They couldn't find where the exit was since they ran off without a second thought.

'i-its okay, ritsu.. im pretty sure it's this way'

Said a gentle voice, he was trying to reassure his little brother that things are going to be alright. But Ritsu, who is the little brother just hum in acknowledgement.

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