This Is Why I Don't Socialize

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Author's note:
hey, so uh- before you read this, just wanted to let y'all know that this was supposed to actually be a oneshot, it would be way better as a oneshot, actually. but then i didn't listen to my stupid self and ended up adding more stuff to it.

so this might sound a bit weird, cause i think katsuki should have a bigger reason to not smile and not just because of his dimples (explained in the description of the book) but other than that, i think it's fine. uh, thank you and enjoy :')

Finally. Katsuki was finally here.

U.A, his dream high school.

There were multiple reasons he liked U.A. One, it was one of the top schools located in Japan.

Two, the people who go here are chosen by the school administrators, who are supposed to only choose the students who have an A+ record in education, sports, arts, and the list goes on. Basically, this school was only for the best of the best. And Katsuki liked being best.

Three, the security system was the best, they even had dorms that's just a 10 minute walk from the main building in the campus. They had a built in park in the campus, and is also one of the biggest high schools in Japan. Everybody here are selected based on how good they are in their particular field of study, what they wanna do.

He had talked to the principal earlier, who had explained everything to him, welcoming him happily. The school year had just started a week ago, so Katsuki didn't miss much. Katsuki had unfortunately been two years late, though. He was born here, but they moved to another part of Japan for most of his life, but thankfully, they moved back to Musutafu, for good. It's alright though, he's got this last year left to spend at U.A, and he'll try to make the most of it.

"Class.. 3-A." He mumbled to himself. It was the third building. He stared at it, his face remaining expressionless. He didn't dare smile out here, what if people caught him? He wouldn't want a repeat of all those words, please, he's sick of it.

With wasting no more time, Katsuki headed for it, he had a black backpack swung over one of his shoulders, since the rest of his luggage had been already sent to them, it should be in his room by now. The rest, well that's up to him. He could buy more stuff if he wanted, or just bring over some of his stuff from home. But he decided to not bring over much, since he'd only be staying here for this year, and at the end it'd take too much time to move out.

He took a deep breath, hoping no one would be in the common room once he opened the door, but of course, that wasn't possible, was it? Thankfully, Katsuki had already been introduced to the whole dorm building a few days ago during school hours, it was just him and this.. Aizawa guy. Shota Aizawa. Apparently he was his home room teacher, some insomniac.

He shut his eyes tight before twisting the doorknob open, and letting himself in. He quickly closed it, his eyes now open as he stared at the ground, speed walking towards the elevator. He clenched one of the arms of his backpack a little.

"Woah, hey! You're the new guy, right? Katsuki? Katsuki Bakugo?" The blond was so close to the elevator, but some idiot had to block his way. Katsuki met the male's eyes. "Yes, yes I am."

The man seemed to be an inch short than Katsuki himself, though his spiky, tall red hair made him seem like he was taller. He had bright red eyes, just like the ones Katsuki had, but this guy with shitty ass hair's was brighter.

"Cool! Nice to meet you man! I'm—"

"Shitty hair. Great. Cool. Now outta my wa-"

"Hey it's the new Bakugo dude, guys!" Another voice yelled, Katsuki glared down at the floor, clenching one of the arms of his backpacks tighter. Great, this is exactly what I needed.

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