How does one die in a world with no end?

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It's been a year Firecracker Cookie. I really really miss you. Chestnut Cookie says you're safe now. In a beautiful place, called CookieLand. Wait, wrong book for that! Ahem. Yeah, it's been a year of all of this. We built walls around the island's beach to keep the stale away. Chestnut Cookie, as always, started up a new farm. But there was a problem. We were running low on medical supplies, and the closest pharmacy was really far, so far that it was a continent past the Candy Stick Archipelago and on Wholegrainia, even then further up North to reach that city. So we had to read, and by we, I mean Chestnut Cookie and I. We had to read medical books Chestnut Cookie brought because it would help us learn how to make medicine. The problem is why he has them.

Chestnut: I thought Pure Vanilla Cookie's book would be worth a lot after the apocalypse!

Cream Unicorn: Money isn't everything!

Chestnut: Have you seen what I've been wearing throughout these years?! Money would make me happier!

Pistachio: Kid, I haven't worn a shirt in years, build up a resistance and you'll be fine.

Chestnut Cookie went back to reading and figuring out which herbs can be made into medicine and which can be ground up into drugs for medicine. But I knew he was looking at the section on crack.

Cream Unicorn: That's not a helpful one, keep searching.

I gave him an unnerving smile of some sort, an it seemed to have an effect on him.

Chestnut: Alright! Jeez...

Tiger Lily: Knight...train...

Pistachio: Which one?

Cream Unicorn: What training do you two do?

Pistachio: Special ones.

Cream Unicorn: Like?

Tiger Lily: Push ups...sit ups...jumping jacks...missionary-

Pistachio Cookie Covered Tiger Lily Cookie's mouth.

Cream Unicorn: Never heard of that last one before.

Pistachio: How old are you again?

Cream Unicorn: How long ago were the wizards here?

Pistachio: By the witches...

Cream Unicorn: Eh?

Pistachio: It's a figure of speech.

Cream Unicorn: Oh.

Chestnut: Am I allowed to make Xanax and Tylenol?

Cream Unicorn: Sure, just don't go Breaking Bad over there.

Chestnut: I won't yet.

I pretended I didn't hear "yet" and went on with my day...after taking all of the bad drug ingredients out of the book.

Chestnut: You damaged my book!

Cream Unicorn: You don't need these!

Chestnut: You're not my parent!

Cream Unicorn: You can call me your older cousin then, Tiger Lily and Pistachio Cookie are your moms.

Pistachio: What?

Chestnut: Ugh! Good thing I have another.

Pistachio: You probably shouldn't, but I'll keep quiet as long as you make the right stuff.

Chestnut: Fine...

Pistachio: Good, now I'm going to go and train with Tiger Lily Cookie.

I heard all of that, but I stopped caring afterward as I saw Apple Cookie running around, playing with Pancake and Pinecone Cookie. These kids still had hopes and dreams that lived freely. I wanted to make sure they lived with them until the dream is achieved.

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