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Authors Note  

Heey! Sorry for the long overdue chapter . Life's been hectic with my concussion :c I would love for all my fans and readers to comment there opinions! PLEASE . It's hard to write when I don't know what people want . It's so much easier when I have y'alls opinion . I love them, c:

*Cara's POV*

The boys led us onto the tour bus . It was huge! They showed us where our beds were and the it was time to leave.

"I'm hungry!" Niall complained sitting on the couch fidgeting with his fingers. Emma volunteered to make him food cause she was hungry as well . She walked to the little kitchenette Niall following close behind . Soon after Emma was cooking food for all of us . It was clear you can't cook for one without cooking for the others .

We all sat on the couch and munched on the sandwhiches that Emma had made for us .

We chatted a little about our tour schedual and how hectic it will be with the fans and moving from city to city and state to state . I was extremely nervous but so excited! My dream was coming true .

"so what city are we headed to first?" I asked eagerly

"We are going to Dallas Texas" Liam answered quickly

I nodded and smiled . I plugged in my earphones to my IPhone and went to my music . I clicked on the song 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran and sang softly until i drifted into a deep sleep . I must have slept for a few hours because i woke up with my head leaning on Niall's shoulder and him asleep with his head rested on mine . It was already dark outside . I grinned at Niall's angelic face while he was sleeping and his soft snores . I giggled softly and he groaned . I shrieked and hushed him soothingly . I didn't want to wake him up . He looked so comfortable . I finally drifted back to sleep . I awoken to Louis screaming to Harry .

"Boobear!!" Harry yelled

"What do you want Hazza?" Louis replied back angerly . I groaned and sat up waking Niall up too . The sun gleamed through the curtains of the bus and i stretched my arms and yawned .

"Goodmorning sunshine" Harry smirked at me.

"Goodmorning to you too" i smiled slightly . I wasn't much of a morning person. Soon Zayn and Emma emerged from the beds towards the back of the tour bus and smiled  

"Goodmorning!" They both said cheerfully and in sync .

"Goodmorning" we greeted cheerfully attempting to mock them . 

"whats for breakfast?" A husky thick irish accent said.

"Pancakes!" Emma excaimed and the lads agreed .

Me and Emma smiled and laughed a bit . Pancakes were our favorite food . We would sneak to her kitched while her parents were sleeping and cook pancakes and eat them at like 3 in the morning . 

"Me and Emma will cook!" I volunteerd "so you lads go get ready or something and give me and Emma space so we can cook" 

The guys obeyed and scurried to the back of the bus were the luggage and beds were .

"okay you ready?" i asked Emma and she sheirked meaning a yes . 

We got the pancake mix , chocolate syrup , sprinkles , whipcream ,chocolate chips , and began cooking .  

The smell of the chocolate chip pancakes flowed through the vents of the tour bus and soon it smelt like a candy store . The boys rushed out of the back of the tour bus and sat down at the table that held all the candy varieties , whip cream and other sweets . Emma sat the plates infront of them and two extra from me and her and we served them .

After we began eating my nerves about the tour were kicking in . Tomorrow was my very first concert other than when Harry brought me on stage a few nights ago . Zayn must have noticed something was wrong because he nudged my shoulder .

"Everything alright Cara?" He asked concerned .

"uhmm yah everything is fine . Just a little nervous for tomorrow" i shrugged

Zayn put his arm around my shoulders and rubbed my arm soothingly .

"It'll be alright Car i promise" he reassured me .

Car? Did zayn just give me a nickname? When he rubbed my arm i felt sparks grow through my body . He kept one arm around my shoulder as we ate and i knew Harry was shooting him glares the whole time . I think Hazza was a tad jealous .

*Authors Note* 

Sorry its super short and long overdue ! I tried to add a little drama in this chapter . Im not going to lie i LOVE writting this but its kinda boring when i only get comments from to people . Please tell me ideas or comments . I wrote this on my phone so please dont hate me for any spelling mistakes or anything! Ill edit when i can!


I love you all c:

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