<gabriels guardian angel> (gabriel x reader)

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!!Season 13 Spoilers!!
Summary: After Catch returns Gabriel, you and the others entail on a hard journey to bring him back to his former glory. What hurts the most? You loved Gabriel, you watched him die, and now you have to try and help him.

You and the Winchesters just got back from what you thought was arguably the most confusing hunt you'd ever gone on. Still, even when the older hunters explained it to you, it made no goddamn sense. Something about them finding some chick tied on a slab in what you could only imagine behind described as a dungeon while you were stuck in the motel doing research. Dean went on and on about the not-chick-tentacle-thing that chained him, she chanted some gibberish and the not chick's squid, octopus god whatever it was tried to suck itself into Dean and make him it's host. Even with the most intricate explanation, it still made no goddamn sense.
You and the boys unloaded your weaponry and grabbed your duffel bags, clambering into the bunker with a few odd grunts, figuring out how to navigate around each other. You were the first to reach the bottom of the stairs, walking over to the map in the 'welcoming room'? You had no idea what this room was even suppose to be- you see a figure in the corner of your eyes. You hand whips around and pulls the gun from your holster, "boys!" You shouted. They too dropped their backs and pulled their guns.
How dare this motherfucker even have the balls to step foot in the bunker. The British Men of Letters DoucheWad held his hands up, your brows furrow. What the hell was he doing?
"I brought you a present." You peer around the douche to see the feral, bloodied archangel.
"Gabriel?" You lower your weapon, watching in horror as the flailing archangel was seated. You could barley hear anything with the blood rushing through your head.
"He was dead, we saw him die."
Was the last thing you managed to catch. You hadn't seen Gabriel since he died. Or, since his copy died. You and the trickster had connected the first time you and the boys thought you ganked him. Despite what he did, the fantasies he put people in were kind of hilarious, that's how you bonded. Often times you would be on walks, and the archangel would show up behind you. Or you'd take a step and end up in one of his fantasy shows, realms, or different places on earth. You could talk to him for hours. There were times you called on him because you felt you couldn't talk to the hunters about something that was going on. He always listened, and he always knew how to make you feel better.
But this wasn't Gabriel. I mean, it is.. no. It was Gabriel. This one wasn't at all like the cheery, fiery, amiable or sarcastic archangel you once knew. He was so damaged, so, so broken. You couldn't stand to see him like this. You re-holstered your gun, grabbed your duffel bag and rushed off to your room. You flung open your door, throwing your duffel bag onto the floor and kicking the door shut behind you. Your breath hitched, and the tears welled up in your eyes. You quickly undid your holster and tossed it back on the dresser. You wiped your eyes, tried to breath, but how could you? Your best friend, the only person you harbored feelings for, the one you witnessed die is alive and only a shell of what he used to be. Your throat ached and the tears wouldn't stop flowing. You sat in the edge of your bed, holding your head in your hands.
There was a knock at the door. You quickly tried your best to wipe your face dry, but it wouldn't hide the red blotches on your skin. You slowly opened the door, peaking up at Dean. He carefully pushed the door open, your lip quivering and the tears returning. He pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around your shaky figure.
"It's okay kid, he'll be okay."
You dug your fingers into the back of Deans heavy jacket. You bonded with Dean the first time you two met. It was a hunt, yadayadayada, you saved his life, you and the Winchesters started traveling together and going on hunts. You and Dean formed more of a brother sister bond. He was the one you went to when you needed advice, mostly about cute archangels. You and Sam were close to, but you always felt closer to Dean. Sam knew about your feelings for Gabriel, but not to the extent Dean did. If he was honest, he had mixed feelings for your little crush. He kept that to himself, however.
The boys had to witness how hard you took Gabriel's death. You fell into a dark place during the first few months. You stayed home during hunts, when you would normally beg Dean to let you come. You stayed in your room and hid away from the boys, you had no motivation to eat and lost an unhealthy amount of weight. Eventually the boys had enough of your sulking and forced you to go everywhere with them. Many times they had to literally drag you out of your bed. Dean always took the most care of you. During the months you were mourning, you and Dean grew much closer.

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