No happy endings with me.

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I took a moment and realise what was happening but I guess the jetlag worked its way and I fell asleep again, in the warm embrace of the person I hate the most in the world;

my ex-classmate,

ex-crush, and my current boss.

The Devil Himself. 


The next thing I knew, I woke up, and my first thoughts were 

'What the hell happened yesterday?'

Bright was lying beside me when I opened my eyes and I swear I was dreaming. I shook my head trying to wake up from my trance. He stirred a little bit, shifting his position.                                           

I froze. 

What do I do? Do I pretend to not remember the previous night? Or do I start screaming? Do I pretend like I was asleep? 

Is there even a proper way to react if someone wakes up from a deep sleep and finds you cuddling them? My mind went blank. There is no reaction. I was frozen in place like a statue, unable to make my legs move. After several minutes of awkward silence, I heard him stir again, slowly waking up.

I immediately closed my eyes hoping he wouldn't notice me. I could tell he was awake, as he was stretching out, yawning and stretching again. I listened to his footsteps as they moved across the wooden floor, before stopping right beside me. I could feel the air brush past my cheek. In a matter of seconds, he was gone. I quickly opened my eyes and turned my head only to find him already standing by the wardrobe. I stared at him through the covers, dumbfounded. Did he forget everything that happened last night? 

No way, right? 

I looked up at the ceiling. Why am I thinking about how I want to spend the rest of the day with him? Why am I still in shock after seeing him naked? This wasn't how I thought our first day in Tokyo would go. But now honestly? I just leave things be. Ever since Bright and I crossed paths again, nothing's normal anymore. I made my way to the shower and while I was brushing my teeth I thought why he's still acting like I was never here like we're nothing to each other? We're still enemies. 

I don't know why I was shocked at the fact that he was shirtless... 

Well I know I wasn't surprised by the fact he was wearing briefs but I couldn't help the way my heart jumped and pounded at the sight of his bare chest. I shook my head to get rid of those weird thoughts before taking a look down at myself. I looked outside. A huge storm was raging and thundering, the rain coming down hard and mercilessly. The sun was nowhere to be seen and it seemed that the whole world was engulfed by darkness, just like me. 

I was alone in the room now. I felt sad but somehow I went out of the bathroom once again. I took one last look at the bedroom door that led to the corridor, where I heard the sounds of movement coming from, I couldn't quite see through the door but I know that Bright had left the hotel room. I exhaled sharply and continued walking to the shower. I needed a shower, I need fresh clothes and I need to think straight if I want to escape the situation. After taking a not-so-quick shower I hear my phone go off finally.

 It must be Ohm. 

"Hello? Sir?"

"If you could only see me crying right now Ohm, Hi. I missed you"

"Aw really?" I hear him laugh. "Now Sir, If the weather weren't being a bitch I'd be there right now. Our flights have been cancelled and we are monitoring the next flight."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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