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"He did what?!" She says shocked and I know this won't end good."

"On the beach, he found me and he kissed me."

"And I told him to stay away from you! This man is crazy. Avoid him, Tessa. Hardin is not how he pretends to be. This is just a façade, so he can stick in your pants. He likes to play with girls and I don't want you to suffer because of him."

"I couldn't stop him. I feel so guilty because I cheated on my boyfriend... I..."

"Hey! It's not your fault. Hardin is the guilty one here. Just done tell your boyfriend and everything will be fine."

"It was a bad idea to attend this party..."

"No! You forgot a little about college and work. I'm sure you had fun until Hardin appeared in your way. So, forget about what happened with Hardin and everything will be fine."

"Ugh, okay. Thanks."

We arrive at home around 2am and we go straight to sleep. As I enter in my room, I change in my sleepwear, I remove my make-up and I get in bed, falling asleep quickly.

The next morning...

I'm waking up by my phone. It's jut 9am, who is calling me this early? I take my phone frum the nightstand and I look at the caller ID. I panic when I see Robert's name on the screen. Shit.

Phone call

"Robert! Good morning."

"Good morning, sunshine! How are you? Are you home?"

"Uhm yeah... I just woke up."

"You were sleeping? I thought you are an early bird."

"I was at a party last night with my roommate..."

"A party?" he says surprised and disappointed. "I can see that place changed you."

"Robert, I'm noy changed. It's still me, your Tessa. I was stressed about college and work, but this party helped me to relax a bit. Why did you call?"

"I'm coming to LA today. I have something to do there. Would you like to have lunch with me?"

"Really?" I say full of joy and he laughs. "Of course, I want!"

"Good. Then I will end our call because I will leave soon from home. I will call you when I'm in the front of your building."

"Okay! I can't wait to see you!"

"Me too. See you soon!"

I end the call with Robert and I get up from my bed. I walk to the bathroom to do my morning routine and to get ready for lunch with Robert. When I come out, I see Hardin in the living room. What the fuck he wants?

"Hardin, get out!"

"Hey, listen... I want to say sorry for what happened last night!"

"I don't care. I don't need your apology. Now, leave!" I push him back, but he takes my wrist.


"I'm not who you think I am! I have a relationship and I am happy. I have a future with this man and I don't want you to be in my life."

"I know you enjoyed the kiss, Tess... And you like me. You are looking at me with your blue eyes like I'm the only one. And when I'm close to you, you are shaking."

"Take off your hands of me! Or I will scream!"

"No one can hear you. My sister left. You really think I am stupid to be here while she's in another room? After she threatened me about me liking you?!"

"Hardin, don't play with me. I'm not the girl you think I am. I'm not a mistress and I'm not a cheater. I know your plan, you want to make me fall in love with you, then you are going to fuck me and you will leave. But I'm not stupid, so it's not working with me. You better leave, now. I don't need you."

"If you want me to leave, then I will leave. But this won't stay in this way." He just leaves.

The kiss with Hardin was special, I felt something, but I can't let this happen again. It was a mistake. My relationship with Robert has a future and we will be together.


Robert should be here any minute now. I'm dressed, so we can have lunch in town. Lexie is out of town, so I'm alone. I just hope Hardin wont's come here in a bad moment. I hear the doorbell and I go to open the door. As I see Robert, I smile. I missed him.


"Hi!" He kisses my cheek. That's all? He didn't miss me?

"I've missed you."

"Yeah, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I am."

We leave my apartment and on our way to his car, he doesn't take my hand and he is checking his phone constantly. Something's wrong. But I don't want to mess our day together. Maybe he's busy with work.

After a silent lunch, we take a walk on the beach, but we are interrupted by his phone. He walks away to talk. Something is wrong. He never walks away from me to talk at his phone... A fe moments later, he's back to me.

"What happened?"

"I have to go. Now! I'm sorry. Something came up and I can't leave it for later, I'm really sorry."

"That's fine. Can you drop me home, please?"

"I really can't. I have to leave to San Diego right know. I'm sorry." He pecks my lips quickly then he leaves.

Great! I'm far away from home and this man, who is my boyfriend leaves just like this. I have a wonderful life. What can I say? I walk back home and I go to take a shower. When I'm done, I go to my room to work something for the next week.

A few hours later, I hear the door and I go to see if it's Lexie. And I'm happy to see her. I had a shitty day and I have to tell her what happened.

"Hi girl!"


"What's up? Why are you like this?"

"Believe me, I had a shitty day."

"I'm here to listen!" We sit down on the couch and I start to talk.

"This morning, your brother came here. He was sorry for what happened last night, but he still wants me. I said that I don't want anything from him and finally I made him to leave. Then, my boyfriend, Robert, came to LA. We had lunch, but he was cold with me since he came here. After lunch, we took a walk on the beach, but someone called him. He walked away, so I couldn't hear what he talks. And he never did this before. When he came back to me, he told me that he has to leave. I asked him to drop me home, but what he had to do was more important than me... What a day, right?"

"Oh, that's so sad... Do you think he is cheating on you?"

"I have no idea. But something is definitely wrong with him. And I hope I will find out."

"Oh, I will talk with Hardin and I will tell him to not come here whenever he wants."

"Thanks... he is a stress for me. And Robert is enough for now, believe me."

"I believe you. I hope everything will be fine between you and your boyfriend."

"Yeah, me too."

Drunk In Love (Hessa)Where stories live. Discover now