Running Away

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"I cannot stay here a moment longer." Elfwyn tells Eowyn and Eomer as she rushes about her room, tossing clothes into the ruck sack that lays open on her bed.

"Elfwyn be reasonable. Where will you go?" Eomer asks.

"You say be reasonable, cousin, yet neither you nor Eowyn has been promised to that... that slimy, monster of a man." She says with a shudder. "I will find Gandalf and inform him of what has become of Rohan, and our king."

"What about Theodred? Surely you would not leave him." Eowyn asks softly.

"Theodred will be fine. He will be king one day. When that day comes, and he can overturn this absurd command, I will return home. I know he will not ask this of me." Elfwyn says as she moves behind the screen divider and change out of the restrictive dress she was expected to wear here in Edoras and change into a white flowy top and brown riding britches. As she double checks her pack, she hears Eowyn sniffling. "Please don't cry Eowyn. I shall bring help. We shall restore my father to his former self, and in doing so, return Rohan to its former glory."

They wait until night fall and Eomer helps her out of the city, her horse in tow. "If they find out you assisted me in this grand escape, you will be banished." She tells him quietly as they sneak around like they used to when they were younger, before responsibilities that come with growing older took over. For Theodred and Eomer, that included joining the Rohirrim. For Eowyn and Elfwyn, it was lessons with the tutor.

"I am not worried for myself, little one. The wild is no place for a woman." He says, pulling her into a hug.

"And I am no mere woman. I am a shieldmaiden of Rohan, the daughter of kings. I'd like to see them try." She says confidently as she places a hand on the hilt of her sword. "I must make haste. With a little luck, I will come across Gandalf and warn him of Rohan's condition, and Father's."

"Be safe cousin. And return soon."

"Kill Grima and I shall." She says with a wink, before mounting her horse and taking off across the plains.

Elfwyn rode hard, making it past Isengard within a few days' time. As she watches the tower grow smaller and smaller, someone coming from the other direction gets closer and closer. She rides slowly, one hand on the hilt of her sword as she draws nearer to this stranger. When they're closer she sighs in relief. "Gandalf." She says excitedly. "Thank goodness I have found you."

"Elfwyn, my dear. You're a long ways from home, aren't you?"

Elfwyn nods, pulling the horse to stop beside him. "Gandalf, I'm afraid this was not a trip for pleasure at all. My father... There's something not right about him." He looks at her, confused. "He's promised me to Grima Wormtongue. He's... become a shell of the man you once knew." She says, looking down to the ground.

He's silent for a moment. "Make for Rivendell. I must meet with Saruman before I can join you. Things are now in motion that cannot be undone." He says before going to turn back towards Isengard.

"Gandalf, what is happening?"

"I will explain when I meet you there." He says before riding off, leaving her alone once again. She makes for the gap and travels north, only stopping when she absolutely has to.

Arriving at Rivendell in record time since parting ways with Gandalf, she is greeted at the gates by Lord Elrond himself. "Princess Elfwyn, we were not expecting anyone from Rohan to come. Our summons went unanswered." Lord Elrond said as she dismounts. He bows and she dips her head back.

"I am not in the least surprised by that, my lord. Rohan... is in a precarious position right now. The king is not in his right mind." Elfwyn says as he leads her through the halls of Imladris.

"How so?"

"I fear his advisor is in the enemy's pocket. As I said, my father is not the same. He's... but a shadow of the man you knew."

Lord Elrond nods. "If you did not receive our summons, how did you come to be here?"

She is silent for several moments. "I... ran away. In his madness my father has promised me to Grima Wormtongue, his advisor. I will not bind myself, and my kingdom, to the enemy. So I left, under the cover of night. Rode long and hard and along the way I ran into Gandalf. With a brief explanation, he sent me here."

"Well, we are happy to have a representative from Rohan, regardless of your circumstances for coming here." He motions to one of the elves. "Arwen, my daughter will escort you to your room. You are the last to arrive. The council will take place tomorrow."

"Thank you, my lord." She bows to him before being lead away, anxious for the coming days and exactly what was happening within their world.

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