The little mermaid

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Bill and Dipper sit on a rowboat in a lagoon. "Move over. Move your big feathers. I can't see a thing." Mable whispers harshly to Gideon. "Nothing is happening." Gideon tells her.

"Only one day left, and that boy ain't puckered up once. Okay. Alright, this calls for a little vocal romantic simulation." Gideon flies to a branch, "Stand back!" He yells to a group of birds, who quickly fly away.

He sits up, clears his throat, and begins to apparently sing. "Wa, wa, wa, wa-wa!" Gideon has a proud look on his face as he sings, the boat with the two males pass his branch.

"Wow. Somebody should find that poor bird and put it out of its misery." Bill jokes, Dipper smiles, but winces at the sight of Gideon. "Wa, wa, wa-wa!" Gideon winks at him, but Dipper sighs, covering his face in embarrassment.

Close to the boat, Ford covers his ears. "I'm surrounded by amateurs." He mumbles, glaring at the bird before going back under water.

"You want something done, you've got to do it yourself. And we have to create the mood first. Percussion, strings, winds, words."

There you see him sitting there across the way. He don't got a lot to say, but there's something about him.

Dipper glances at Bill, only to see Ford right behind him. His eyes widen as Ford gets closer.

And you don't know why, but you're dying to try, you wanna kiss the boy.

He quickly hides when Bill turns, "Are you hearing this?" Dipper shakes his head.

Yes, you want him. Look at him, you know you do. Possible he wants you, too. There is one way to ask him.

It don't take a word, not a single word. Go on and kiss the boy.

The two males lean in close, as if it's for a kiss, but Bill turns away. Leaving Dipper staring at him, upset deeply. Ford and another bird glares at Bill, annoyed that the song isn't working.

After a couple seconds, Ford grins and faces the water.

Sing with me now.

Sha la la la la la. My, oh, my. Look at the boy too shy, he ain't gonna kiss the boy. Sha la la la la la. Ain't that sad? Ain't it a shame?

Too bad he gonna miss the boy.

After long minutes of rowing the boat, Bill slows down. "You know, I feel horrible not knowing your name." Dipper looks up, gazing back into the golden eyes.

"Maybe I could guess." Bill smirks, leaning back. Dipper smiles, but it quickly goes away at his first guess, "Hyacinth?" With a disgusted face, Dipper shakes his head.

"Okay, no." Bill laughs, "How about Dylan? Ray?" With both guesses, Dipper shakes his head. And with each guess, Ford gets more irritated, "Dipper. His name is Dipper." He whispers harshly in Bill's ear.

Bill looks back, though Ford had already hid away, staring weirdly into the distance. "Dipper?" He glances down, repeating the name.

Dipper perks up, nodding with a bright smile. "Dipper?" Bill gets up, leaning a little closer. Dipper nods again, taking Bill's hand in his.

"That's unique, it's a star, isn't it?" Bill raises a brow, resulting in another nod. "It's pretty, you have a pretty name, Dipper." Bill smiles back at him.

Now's your moment, floating in a blue lagoon.

Two birds part the leaves from the weeping willow tree, allowing the boat access to inside.

Boy, you better do it soon. No time will be better. He don't say a word and he won't say a word until ya kiss the boy.

Fish circle under the boat, turning it slowly.

Sha la la la la la. Don't be scared, you got the mood prepared. Go on and kiss the boy.

Fireflies surround them as tiny lights, when they hit Dipper's eyes the hazel in them glow. Bill doesn't know if this boy is just unique or that attractive.

Sha la la la la la. Don't stop now, don't try to hide it now. You wanna kiss the boy. Whoa, whoa.

Sha la la la la la. Float along.

Flamingos stop Gideon from singing along, glaring at him for even trying to sing.

And listen to the song, say kiss the boy. Whoa, whoa. Sha la la la la la. The music play, do what the music say. You gotta kiss the boy.

As they gaze into each others eyes, they lean in slowly.

Kiss the boy

The animals gather around in excitement, waiting for the kiss. They whisper as Bill leans closer to Dipper.

Why don't you kiss the boy?

Frogs pucker up, and Bill gazes into Dipper's eyes.

Go on and kiss the boy

Ford grins as he stops Gideon from singing. He shakes the kid as he watches the two humans.

Go on and.. kiss the boy

Their lips nearly touch, but the boat flips. Ford facepalms, annoyed and irritated by the interruption. "Whoa! Hang on, I've got ya." Bill helps the panicking boy up.
— Underwater Lair —
Pyronica smirks at the scene, "Nice work, boys! That was a close one. Too close. The little bastard! He's better than I thought." She growls. "Well, at this rate, he'll be kissing him by sunset for sure."

She swims to a shelf, knocking bottles out of the way and grabs a crystal ball with a butterfly inside. "Well, it's time Pyronica took matters into her own tentacles." She throws a bottle in what could be a underwater cauldron.

"Stanford's nephew will be mine! And then I'll make him and Stanley writhe. I'll see them wriggle like a worm on a hook!" She clutches a small shell that's wrapped around her neck, beginning to change, she starts to become more human.
— At The Kingdom —
A full moon hangs low in sky over the Kingdom of Gravity Falls. On a terrace, Bill plays a guitar as he gazes out the sea, Will approaches.

"Bill? If I can say, far better than any dream boy is one of flesh and blood, one warm and caring and right before your eyes." Will gestures upward and makes his leave. Bill looks to a window where Dipper stands, brushing his hair with a fork.

Bill smiles to himself then looks sadly to his guitar, gazing firmly at it, he takes a step back and throws it into the water. He strives toward Dipper's window then stops, he runs toward the edge of the terrace and looks down.

On the beach below, a slender woman with pink hair walks. Bill's eyes squint to see her clearly, the spiral shell hangs around her neck, glowing. An eery mist seeps through the shell and winds through the air, toward Bill.

It wraps around him, filling his eyes with a dull, cold light.

Written by Elliot
Username- urdreamyeyes

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