Beauty and the beast

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Beauty and The Demon

In his bath, Bill is being soaked and scrubbed by the spindly hatstand. He grumbles as Gideon speaks, "Tonight is the night." The hatstand dumps a bucket of water on him, and Bill moves the hair away from his eyes.

"I'm not sure I can do this." He looks at Gideon, holding the pieces of hair. "You don't have time to be timid. You must be bold, daring." Gideon makes faces and hand gestures to follow his words.

"Bold. Daring." Bill uses magic to leave himself dry, though his hair is left messy. "There will be music, romantic candlelight, provided by myself. And when the moment is right, you confess your love."

"Yes, I... I.. I.. No, I can't." Bill shakes his head, but is stopped by the handstand, who quickly brings a brush to his hair. "You care for him, don't you?"

"More than anything." Bill says, "Well, then, you must tell him. Voilà! Oh, you look so, so.." Gideon winces. "Stupid." Bill deadpans, staring at himself in the mirror.

"Not quite the word I was looking for. Perhaps a little more off the top." Gideon claps his hand and the hatstand works on Bill's hair once again. Tad walks in, clearing his throat, "Your gentleman awaits." He chuckles.

Wearing a navy blue suit, with a cape as a darker shade, Dipper walks down the staircase onto a central landing. Wearing the same outfit, but golden, Bill walks down the opposite staircase to meet Dipper on the landing.

They bow to each other before walking down the final staircase, hand in hand.

Tale as old as time. True as it can be, barely even friends then somebody bends, unexpectedly.

In a dining a room, Bill attempts to eat with a spoon, though rather quickly, Dipper gets up to grab his hands. Leading him to the ballroom for a dance.

Just a little change, small to say the least. Both a little scared, neither one prepared. Beauty and the Beast.

Dipper moves their hands to the correct position for the dance. Bill gulps, nervous.

Ever just the same

Dipper looks up at him, smiling with a reassurance in his eyes.

Ever a surprise

Slowly, Dipper begins to dance with Bill. Tad and Gideon smile to each other, watching the two.

Ever as before, ever just as sure. As the sun will rise.

Bill gets the hang of the dance quickly, smiling to Dipper as he now takes the lead.

Tale as old as time, tune as old as song. Bittersweet and strange, finding you can change, learning you were wrong.

Under the lit chandelier, Bill and Dipper dance gracefully in the ballroom.

Certain as the sun, rising in the east. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme. Beauty and the Beast.

Dipper smiles as he places his head on Bill's chest. Bill stares wide eyed before looking to Tad and Gideon, smiling wide.

Gideon lowers the brightness of the lights, smiling softly at the scene.

Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme. Beauty and the Beast.

Finishing the dance, they take each other's hand once again and walk out to the balcony. "Off to our places now. It's time to leave them be." Smiling, the group wanders off to their sleeping areas.
— Outside —
The couple go out on a moonlit balcony. Under a clear sky, filled with stars like twinkling diamonds, they sit shyly on the railing.

Dipper looks down, fixing his outfit. "Dipper?" He looks up, staring right back into the golden eyes of a demon. "Are you happy here with me?" Bill takes Dipper's hands into his, "Yes." But Dipper turns away.

"What is it?" Dipper stares out into the abyss for a little longer before facing Bill, "If only I could see my sister again, just for a moment. I miss her so much." They both downcast, but Bill suddenly brightens as a thought hits him.

"There is a way." He leads him back inside to the West Wing.
—  West Wing —
"This mirror will show you anything. Anything you wish to see." He hands it to him, Dipper glances at the demon before taking the mirror into his hands.

"I'd like to see my sister, please." His eyes are dazzled by an enchanting green light that emits from the mirror, it clears to show Mable collapsing in the forest.

She coughs violently, blood seeping from an unknown wound, and scratches all over her body. "Mable. Oh, no. She's gonna die, and she's all alone." Dipper looks at Bill, but Bill turns to the drooping rose in the glass case with an agonized expression.

He looks up, staring ahead. "Then you just go to her." He closes his eyes, head lowering. Dipper stares at him in disbelief, stepping towards the demon. "What did you say?"

"I release you. You're no longer my prisoner." Bill opens his eyes, but still doesn't look at Dipper. "You mean I'm free?" He turns to face the human, "Yes." Dipper gives him a small smile, grateful for the action. "Thank you."

He looks to the mirror, that still shows Mable. "Hold on, Mable. I'm on my way." Dipper's about run off, but stops and faces Bill again. He attempts to give the mirror, but Bill pushes it away.

"Take it with you, so you'll always have a way to look back, and remember me." Bill brushes the hair out of the human's eyes, "Thank you for understanding how much she means to me." Dipper smiles.

As he turns to go, he reaches for the human, but Dipper has already run off past Tad. "Well, Your Highness. I must say everything is going just swimmingly. I knew you had it in you." He chuckles.

"I let him go." Bill mumbles, facing the rose once again. Tad chuckles, not processing the sentences yet, "Yes, yes, splen..." He freezes. "You what? How could you do that?" Tad asks, unable to comprehend on Bill's thinking.

"I had to." Bill says quietly, "Yes, but.. but why?" Tad stammers. "Because I love him."

Written by Elliot
Username- urdreamyeyes

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