Chapter 1 : Intro

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"May the Sapphire Star light your way."

The ship interior is filled to the brim with Hunters and researchers, with the occasional Palico scrambling about. The sun had set almost an hour ago, and a particular Hunter had just finished sending one last letter off to his friends at the Wycademy. It was now time for what everyone dubbed to be "the Last Meal" because it would be the last time everyone ate before reaching the New World. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he decided it would be best to get his mind off the lingering melancholy that came from choosing a life that would probably result in never seeing his friends again.

"Ready to grab this world by the horns!?" The most excitable (and unnerving) A-lister to board the ship asked, barely able to contain a mischievous grin.
What a foreshadowing question that would end up being.
Before he had a chance to answer, waves were picking up outside.
"That's gotta mean landfall." Inserted the woman who would end up being his Handler. She would also end up being incorrect. The waters became even more rampant than before, rocking the Fifth Fleet more than any monster encounter had on the way here.

"Monsters this close the shore?" The Hunter thought to himself, before rushing to the deck to check it out. The rain outside was pouring, he struggled to maintain his footing against the slippery wood that made up the ship.
"A volcano?!" A large mass of rocks with molten lava riddling it emerged from the depths, carrying the fifth fleet ship vertically, knocking over everything inside and sending the crew flying to the back of the hull. There were screams of terror, Hunters struggled to ready their weapons to face whatever threat this was.

The Hunter sprinted to the forecastle, trying to grab onto literally anything that would stop him from falling to his death. Unfortunately his Palico, Ginger, was not so quick. There was no time to fret, and the rain caused even the small sidling he grasped to get increasingly slick. The ship rocked wildly, knocking him and the Handler off.
"Damn, this can't be the end!"
He looked down. "Land? No.. This is part of the monster!" Tumbling onto the rocky surface, the Hunter regained his feet and looked up at the ship. It was a fraction of the size of this creature, perched on top of volcanic spires.
No time to worry, he had to find a way off this thing.
"Come on follow me!" The Handler said, showing an impressive ability to remain calm under pressure.

They struggled to reach the highest point, but the rocky mass shifted yet again. With no other choice, he used his slinger to latch onto a nearby wingdrake. The Handler held onto him as they were carried into the Ancient Forest of the New World.

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