Chapter 5: Pukei Pukei

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Chapter contributed by Jean Mars - please enjoy!

There had been reports of a large slag piece from the creature dubbed Zorah Magdaros, the mysterious new elder dragon had been spotted in the ancient forest. The commander wanted scholar teams to do research on it immediately but his plans had hit an inconvenient bump in the road. Apparently the slag was located in a part of the forest where a particularly ornery monster claimed it as its territory. As the commander put it the monster would probably just be less pleased to have humans encroaching on her at the time.

So the rising in fame fiver was dispatched to handle the monster, leaving the method to their discretion. Armed with a long sword made with "gifted" effects from the wily Kula Ya Ku thief; Kunala as the fiver decided to call her he set forth to the forest. The hunter couldn't help but remember his last few encounters in this lush biome. It seemed like these new monster women resemble humans in a way but carried attributes and behaviors of monsters. They even inherited the insane strength of beasts. But what was more shocking was that they were seemingly subdued by more...carnal means of engagement. The poor hunter could feel his cheeks heat up with rising embarrassment from the thought. He couldn't even reveal his victories to his allies in truth because of the very nature. Was this sort of thing normal for hunting in the new world? With a thoughtful sigh he released his scoutflies from their cage and watched them spread out to look for a trail.

It wasn't long until the insects formed a glowing line leading into the deep parts of green forest. On the way through the brush he noticed familiar tracks. The clawed profile suggested that they belonged to Jaghrasha, the Great Jagras he encountered and fought here in the forest. The voracious maiden must be hunting somewhere nearby. Fiver had not heard about anymore incidents concerning her but still he'd rather avoid any confrontation for now. At least until he found his intended target. Apparently this creature was hailed as a Pukei Pukei, pretty exotic sounding he thought. In the supply box he found vials of antidotes which suggested that this creature was fond of poisons. It would be his first hunt against a new world monster that didn't use solely strength. His eyes trained themselves on a clump of strange dark green feathers among the forest floor. The hunter knelt down and scrapped them into a vial for later study. The feathers seemed to gain the interest of the scoutflies who buzzed around them in a frenzy. Apparently this was the scent that would put him on the right path.

The insects took off once again, speeding off into the deep woods. Fiver's pursuit of the insects brought him to a unfamiliar part of the biome. He saw a field of sporepuffs swaying on a hill and accompanied by liquid heavy poisoncups. After shaking off his amazement at the nature he took out his field guide to draw this newly discovered section on his map. That was until the wind blew and carried a strong scent resemblent to burning tar assaults his nostrils. The hunter shielded his nose and looked up to a vine covered cliff where he saw black smoke rising. That had to be where that Zorah slag landed. The hunter wasted little time in making the climb to investigate this claim and so far there had been no signs of this poisonous monster yet.

Once the hunter heaved himself up the ledge he was greeted by a gigantic black spire of heat and smoke. As much heat was coming off the thing it was a wonder that the forest hadn't caught fire. Though any flames that accompanied this thing had already died. The hunter was still in disbelief that something like this was part of the mighty monster that nearly sank the entire fifth fleet just by emerging from the sea. A whole new breed of elder dragon and the evidence was right here. Fiver shook off his moment of awe and began harvesting samples. At least until a sudden cracking sound snapped the youth to attention, whirling around with his weapon at the ready. There he saw quite the sight.

An unusual woman settled on the forest floor helping herself to a host of scatternuts. She had a mane of dark green feathers around her neck and extended to the backs of her shoulders. In addition to her arms she had a pair of large leathery wings that were extensions of her limbs underside. Behind her swayed a thick, long, colorful tail. No doubt about it this was yet another one of the new world's strange monster girls. From his high perch on the cliff he remained out of sight for now. But from the sound of it this yellow eyed wyvern maiden was in a foul mood. "Damn that Zorah for fouling up my newly claimed turf with her noxious slag! Now she's got all these humans coming around and disturbing my peace! I've half a mind to just poison them all I'm so livid!" The girl complained and opened her mouth, revealing her row of tiny needle like teeth. Which wouldn't be strange except for the thick, long appendage that slithered out of her mouth. One could only identify that strange muscle as the monster's tongue. In a small motion the girl's sticky tongue swiped up her bounty and she gave them sanctuary in her mouth, her cheeks bulging from the stored food. As the girl swallowed it seemed her tail swelled in mass.

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