Chapter 7 : Jyuratodus

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"You bastard!!" The Jyuratodus girl slithered in the mud, spiraling and splashing about the muck before rising up and roaring. "What did you do to Barroth!?" She was a decently slender girl with long red hair and white irises. In place of ears, there were cute flapping fins that matched the ones on her lower back. There wasn't even tome to take in how sexy she was, because apparently this Monster Girl was pissed.
"That wasn't me!" The Hunter had just gotten a Wyverian researcher out of the way, showing him a tunnel that lead to a Commission campsite.
The Barroth's armor was completely mangled by mysterious jagged spikes. The Fifth Fleet Hunter had a hard enough time getting her to safety, but now he had a Jyuratodus to contend with.
"If it's a fight you want then I'll give you one!" The Hunter stabbed his Insect Glaive into the ground, kipping forward and into the air. "Good luck dodging this!"
"Dodge..?" Jyuratodus's jaws puffed up adorably as her silver eyes locked onto the Hunter like a target. "As if!" She fired orbs of glistening water from her mouth. He was able to dodge the first one with his midair Insect Glaive movements, but the second one connected and knocked him to the ground and into a pile of mud.

The Hunter emerged from the muck, gasping for air, before being doused again with a blast of water. The force was enough to wash away all the mud and send him whirling backward into a puddle.
"You look pathetic," remarked the Jyuratodus. "To think my ultimate rival would lose to the likes of you."
The Hunter slowly climbed to his feet, coughing up water. "I told you.. I didn't attack her."
"Enough of your bullshit! She was fine before you filthy humans showed up!" She drew her head back, and blasted forth a stream of mud. The Hunter slashed away, twirling the Insect Glaive and chopping away at the bits, but eventually he was overcome. The mud swallowed up his entire body, melding him into the ground. He struggled, for naught. Even if he were to escape the Fertile Mud he would be too exhausted to fight afterwards.

"You'll pay for what you did to my friend." The Jyuratodus dove into the ground, her illustriously shimmering tail wriggling into the ground behind her.
"So you're.." The Hunter strained his arms. "Just going to leave me here!?"
The Jyuratodus blasted forth from the ground, causing mud to splatter all over the place. "... And miss out on my revenge? You wish." The Piscine Monster Girl knocked away the thick murk with ease as she coiled her mermaid body around him. He curled his eyes shut in pain. If escaping that mud was hard, escaping her grasp would be nigh impossible. Suddenly, her pale eyes widened. She looked over at the Insect Glaive sticking out of the ground. "I was certain you were disarmed.. What is this huge thing you're hiding!?"
The Hunter struggled to breathe. "It's just.." He fought to look away from her glistening breast. They were bigger than the Barroth's, about a handful each, but the shine on them drove him crazy. "I didn't know you were this beautiful."

The Jyuratodus girl's face became flush red. "W-what!? That's it, I'm going to kill you slowly!" She reached her scaly blue hands into his pants, slowly pulling out his wondrously heavy meat. "Why is this.. Wretched thing so heavy in my hands?"
A moan of pleasure ripped from the Hunter's mouth, held back by being constricted but also his pride. The Jyuratodus's innocently curious eyes turned him on like never before, causing his weighty organ to grow in her right hand.
"Is it.. Filling up!?" The Jyuratodus used her left hand to choke him. "So you've got an ace-in-the-hole, huh? We'll see about that!"
With that, she gripped his massive rod, stroking it rhythmically. The Hunter breathed sharply, his legs became numb from the combination of ecstasy and constriction.
"That's right, writhe in pain, human!" The Jyuratodus put on a tough front, but this weapon was massive and required her other hand.
The Hunter tilted his head. "Pain?"
The Monster girl's blue scaly hands grazed smoothly over the thick pulsating veins in his dick, and her red-pink fingers massaged the lower glands as she stroked it.
"Fuck! It's gonna blow!" The Hunter's back and abs became tight. His balls were full and his dick was priming to explode.
"That's right! I'll empty whatever it is filling this stupid weapon up!"
The Hunter's eyes rolled back. He knew that monsters who use mud attacks produce a slimy lubricating fluid, but he had no idea she could secret it from her palms.

"This is for what you did to my friend."
Knots traveled down the Hunter's mighty shaft as he came, blasting ropes onto the ground, all over the Jyuratodus's tailfins and her hands. She looked down in absolute disgust, and to her horror, there the Hunter was twitching in pleasure. "What is this pungent...?" She paused suddenly, blinking a few times, before opening her eyes to reveal heart-shaped pupils. "Filth..." She was ensnared by the stench of fresh Hunter Honey, but quickly shook her head. No, she can't get distracted by something like that - even if the risk exists that she'll never get to witness it again.

"Hey! Let go of the small fry!" Called out Barroth, "Fight someone your own size!"
Jyuratodus turned around at the sound of her rival's voice. "Dookie butt! You're alive!" She took a glance at the freshly-squeezed Hunter. "But... How!?"


"HE MADE IT BACK!" The New World Research Commission cheered for their Hunter.
"What a warrior," some said. "What a fighter!"
The Hunter nodded, with closed eyes. "Thanks, guys."

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