Chapter 2

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Okay 2000+ Words, I am proud of myelf and this will be basically what happened in GoW2, or well similar

Also Info is updated

Izuku was currently walking, as he had escaped, having knocked out multiple Guards

"So they laughed at me afterwards? I thought we were a Family" Izuku said, as Athena lied to him about how they acted after he was gone, it pissed him off

'So they laugh and mock me, well No more, no more shall I do their Bidding' Izuku thought, as he cut his way through the Forest

'Where did that thought come from? No matter' he thought

"Once you are there, you will find the Box of Pandora, the Power inside is rightfully mine, so bring it to me" Athena said, as she showed Izuku a Huge Temple

It had been 3 Weeks, since Izuku started training with the Blades of Exile, having met Athena and having been imprisoned, on the 2nd Weekend he had a Red Marking on his Body, that started glowing and burning, before it vanished and he had a Red Tattoo (it went from Sane Deimos, to Hateful Deimos, to Kratos)

Izuku was now slightly taller then before, equal to the Taller ones in Class, pretty well build too, having slightly bigger Muscles

He was now very good at close Combat with the Blades, but also it had been 2 Weeks since he Escaped, he had to Kill for the First Time in his Life, after meeting Twice, who was gonna be a Huge threat, so he got rid of him on Athena's Command

She kept feeding him lies about how everyone he knew was Evil in a way, while he was the one True Hero and he could only Trust her, over the Time he spent with her, Izuku realized that she was not telling him everything or atleast not the Full Truth

Some of what she said even contradicted what he saw and knew, even learned, but slowly the Blades would Corrupt him, mentally atleast, as he simply slowly over time, seemed to care less and less if Athena said the Truth, while also getting more Aggressive

Izuku also started to Kill the Villains and Criminals on his Path to Power

The Heroes and Friends of Izuku however were distraught, as they finally had the Proof to get him out of Prison, yet he seemed to have Escaped thanks to a "Ghost-like Lady in Green" the Guards said

After what seemed like Years, but in reality was 2 Weeks, they finally heard something about a Green Haired boy with Red Markings on his Body and 2 Blades, that description fit Izuku, going to the latest lookout of the LoV, so they thought about getting him, bringing him back and proving his Innocence

But for that they will need Help, apparently he became Aggressive, so they would have to bring their Secret Weapon, as Eri simply looked determined to bring her Hero back

Meanwhile Izuku had finally appeared in the Hideout, watching how some tried to use their Quirks on the Box of Pandora, failing to Open it, with and without their Quirks, but it had started to Glow a Fiery Glow (basically it looked like the Box does in 3, but once Izuku was near the Box started glowing like before Kratos ever opened it)

Shigaraki smiled, knowing what this meant, as the Lady God told him so and right before Izuku could cut him and his Gang down, they vanished along with the Box, appearing further away on a Cliff, just as a Gint Statue started to Activate and started to Destroy the surroundings, targeting Izuku, as he seemed unimpressed

That was until he heard A.M and his "Friends"

"We will help you Deku" Uraraka said, as she was there too

"I DO NOT NEED YOUR HELP, I CAN TAKE DOWN THIS BEAST" Izuku yelled, as he put the Blades on his Back (by the way, these Exile Blades have a Green Glow to them, as they aren't the Real ones)

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