Chapter 1: Where the Flowers Grow

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Merry Christmas and be prepared, this story's a long one.


"Who are you?"

Palette stood dumbstruck as the flowers danced in the wind, staring down at the last thing he had expected when he came to relax; in front of the eight-year-old monster were the young heirs of the Afta kingdom, Lord Goth and Lady Elise, sitting among the flowers with the makings of a daisy chain, their wide-socketed gazes directed focused on him.

The taller skeleton unwittingly took a step, making the prince rise to his feet abruptly while pulling his younger sister behind him; the flowers dropped to the ground forgotten. The youngest monster stared at her older sibling as he narrowed his sockets, repeating with nervous urgency, "Who are you?"

Palette paused, blinking twice before internally berating himself for his lack of manners toward members of royalty. Bending to one knee in the flowers to make himself less intimidating, he introduced himself, "My name's Palette, and I live in the nearby village. I'm sorry for scaring you both; I just came here to relax. I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here."

The young lord's posture loosened a bit at the introduction as the girl tugged at her brother's sleeve and looked up with two bright white eye lights, "Brother, are we safe?"

"I... I believe so," the prince decided, offering a tentative smile toward the newcomer, "would you perhaps... care to join us?"

"Sure," Palette chirped, standing up and striding forward at the invitation. Goth sat cross-legged and retrieved the daisy chain while Elise tucked her legs under herself, regaining their seats among the flowers. Flopping onto his back next to the prince, the taller monster breathed in the light aroma of the petals. The song of the bugs hiding in the nearby treeline wafted through the field on the gentle breeze; this calm was exactly what he needed.

The smaller skeleton suddenly giggled, causing Palette to look up in askance.

Goth managed to keep a straight face as he said, "I would ask how life is growing for you, bud it looks to me your daysy has been dandylion so far."

Elise snickered when the taller skeleton busted out laughing, wiping tears from his eyes. "Stars, those were horrible. I...," he snorted, "I can't get clover it!"

Laughter rang through the field as the princess covered her mouth to stifle giggles while Goth leaned into his lap in a laughing fit and Palette reveled in his successful rebuttal.

"Hey, Lord Goth," the taller monster asked once he settled down, looking around to be sure he wasn't imagining things, "why are you both out here by yourselves? Doesn't the royal family usually have guards?"

"Goth's fine; if I wanted others to utilize my title, I would've remained at the castle," the smaller said, wiping the lingering moisture from his sockets; his expression then took on a hint of guilt, "As for why we're by ourselves... no one technically knows we're here. I... kind of snuck out and Elise tagged along." His face blanched as he hastily added, "Oh, please keep this to yourself! Her Highness would be furious with me if she realized we snuck out."

Palette nodded, assuming the prince was referring to the second queen who had married into the bloodline after King Geno's passing; she was known for her silver tongue and stern nature. He thumped his hand decisively against his chest, "Sure thing, your secret's safe with me!"

"Thank you," Goth breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you!" Elise parroted, "Mother is scary when she becomes angry."

Goth nodded in agreement, placing a gentle hand on her skull, "She is; that's why our little adventure must remain a secret as we agreed."

"If you aren't supposed to be out here, why are you?" Palette asked.

The princess looked up at her brother, awaiting the answer as his gaze fell to the flower chain in his lap, "Sometimes... I need time to myself; time away from my responsibilities. Manners, rules, politics, military tactics, and self-defense; it can all be overwhelming sometimes. All these lessons are meant to prepare me for when I take the throne as king. Knowing I'm going to take over for my father one day, deciding the lives of hundreds upon thousands of citizens on a daily basis... it's a daunting prospect; so much can go wrong."

Palette stared up at the sky, sympathetic to the young lord's words; it did sound pretty stressful when he put it that way. Sitting up, he asked, "So... you don't want to be king?"

Goth made a face, rubbing his thumb along a flower petal in thought before he answered carefully, "Yes and no. True, it is a tiring position to hold... yet at the same time, it is also a position which can do so much good."

His expression softened as he looked to his little sister, "A king makes decisions to help his people prosper; his decisions allow his country to grow into a beautiful and joyous place... and I want my people to live fulfilling lives. If becoming king is my fate, then the least I can do is perform the role to its fullest; part of that is knowing when to fall back and recoup."

Palette stared at the prince, gasping in awe, "Wow, you sound so mature for only being eight years old."

"I'm not eight quite yet, actually," Goth corrected, looking up at the other, "I will be in a handful of months, however."

Elise piped up enthusiastically, "And I am five!"

"Seriously? That's even more amazing, Gothy!" Palette exclaimed, causing his friend to blush. Realizing the error, he quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, that was really rude of-"

"No," Goth averted his gaze with a shy smile, "No, it's fine. If you wish to call me 'Gothy'... then you are free to do so..."

Palette nodded, continuing his train of thought, "Still, to have that kind of dedication so young is really cool! I'm older than you, and I still don't know what I want to do with myself! With that positive attitude, I know you'll become a great king! You definitely have my support!"

"Brother will be a great king!" his sister giggled, hugging his side.

Goth chuckled, "I've pretty much had my path decided for me since birth, but it's one I shall make my own in time; there's still plenty of time for you to decide your own calling." Looking up at the sky, the prince smiled, "In any case, I thank you for the vote of confidence, both of you; your words have given me new resolve."

One word sprung to Palette's mind: dazzling. An aura seemed to surround Goth, giving off an air of power and reliance that nearly stole his breath away; in that moment, he had no doubt that his new friend would grow up to become a king who was loved and respected by the kingdom.

"Those are some pretty words, princey... but in the end, that's all they are; pretty words."

All three young skeletons jumped at the new voice. A horned monster stood four feet away at the edge of the tree line, his grin setting the trio on edge.

By the looks on Goth's and Elise's faces, this wasn't a guard.


As a little head's up, I'll be updating this story once a week until its conclusion. Look forward to the next chapter this coming Sunday~

Word Count: 1,205

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