Chapter 14: Shelf-sufficiency

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Palette closed the trunk holding his freshly cleaned gear, exiting the knight's quarters and traveling down the myriad of hallways on his way to the archives. It was early evening, so Goth would probably be cleaning up with Mister Alais, the Royal Historian, around this time.

Ever since their private conversation two months ago, Palette had been spending most of his free time before and after dinner training his magic with Goth's assistance, exercising while they read nearby, and relaxing while practicing writing together; he was finally getting the hang of creating barriers, though they weren't strong enough to weather an impact yet.

His thoughts naturally drifted to his companion's predicament; while everything seemed peaceful so far, he had managed to pick up on the feeling of being watched every so often during their time together, giving credibility to Goth's suspicions in a way that had him more than a little worried.

That evening, Goth had started by asking if they had noticed anything strange about the carriage attack. From there, he explained the various inconsistencies he had noticed during and after the incident; how the group never made any demands or tried to steal anything despite being labeled as bandits, how quickly the bandits fled after Palette came to his rescue despite the enemy's advantageous position, and how no one sustained any serious injuries during the encounter; it all seemed far too convenient for a mere robbery.

He held suspicions that the attack might have been a kidnapping or assassination attempt. Palette had been alarmed by the possibility, asking why he didn't say anything earlier if it was that serious.

Goth explained that his lack of solid proof that there was foul play made him initially question his assessment; the last thing he wanted was to spread false rumors or cause unnecessary turmoil. Once they returned to the castle and the feelings of being watched began, the guard's lack of concern following the attack took on a new light and his suspicions began to grow. Still, without evidence or knowing who could be trusted, he didn't feel like he could do more than lay low and keep watch over his surroundings... at least, that had been the plan before Palette had changed the situation.


"Then what made you decide to trust me?" Palette lifted his skull from where he had been staring grimly at the marble floor under his feet; kidnapping and assassination attempts were heavy matters, after all.

Goth was staring up at one of the windows, the pale light pouring in giving him an ethereal appearance as he spoke in a low murmur, "In part, your words; in part, your actions. You've had two opportunities, at minimum, to do away with me if you so wished. During the attack, it would've been a simple matter to stay your hand once I was felled and feign remorse once I was slain... yet you stepped in and protected me. When you found me in the hedge maze, I was in pain, fatigued, and alone... yet you chastized me for my recklessness, tended to my injury, and ensured I could rest without worry.

"However, my greatest reason...," Goth's eye light dipped, then he turned to Palette and offered a hopeful smile, "it would be that I want to trust you. I want to believe in the kindness you've shown me; that it's not a lie or some ulterior motive. To be perfectly honest, I was sorely tempted to tell you of my suspicions during our time in the maze; I only stopped myself because I feared telling you would place you in harm's way if my worries proved to be correct, or would jeopardize your career  if they proved false."

Standing from the steps, Goth took a few paces forward before spinning to face Palette once more; his robes swayed in the still air, his silhouette haloed by the light at his back, "I ask that you guard my words well as you continue to watch over my family. You're my dearest friend, rivaled only by my sister, and I wish to keep you from harm as you've done for my family."

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