Chapter 2: When the Guard's Away

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Chapter Warnings: Violence, injury, blood (and marrow)


As the monster stepped forward, all three children found their feet and retreated backward in turn. Their fear was met with a toothy grin, sending a shiver down Palette's spine; was this one of those bandits his mom had told him about? He grasped onto his new friend's shoulder, fearfully whispering to them, "Goth, what do we do?"

Elise buried her face into her brother's white cloak, sniffling softly, "... scary..."

The smaller skeleton flicked their eye light toward Palette and Elise, then back to the stranger

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The smaller skeleton flicked their eye light toward Palette and Elise, then back to the stranger. Inhaling deeply, Goth clenched their fists and shouted to the monster that was advancing on the group, "You're making my sister and friend uncomfortable. Please leave us in peace."

The monster cackled, "And where's the fun in that?"

Taking a shaky step forward, Goth countered, "If you don't leave us alone, our parents will hear of this; I assure you, they won't be happy!"

"That's what I'm counting on, kid," the stranger sneered, his left hand darting out to snatch the front of the prince's coat and scarf, lifting him into the air.

The boy squealed in his grasp, kicking and clawing at the hand holding him up to no avail, "No, let go! You'll tear it!"

"Brother!" Elise cried, balling in on herself as she cowered in place.

"Gothy!" Palette yelled in shock. Regaining his senses after a moment, he ran forward and pushed at the monster's leg in an attempt to free his friend, "Put him down!"

The adult growled, kicking Palette away effortlessly. Elise sobbed as he tumbled back into the flowers; the scent kicked up from the petals no longer provided any comfort as he scrambled back to his knees and while holding his sore ribs; with how they ached, there would probably be a bruise tomorrow.

"Palette!" Goth cried out, still trying to struggle and kick his way out of the monster's grip, "Stop this, you heathen!"

"You royals are all the same: demands, insults, and more demands," the monster snarled at his captive, shaking him like a rag doll, "I was originally just gonna ransom you off, but your mouth got me irritated. Maybe I should just send you back piece-"

He grasped the small skeleton's left wrist.

"by-" He began squeezing and twisting.

Goth let out a whine, "S-stop...!"

"piece." A loud snap was heard, followed by a howl of pain. Marrow began to dribble between the monster's fingers from the prince's broken left wrist.

"Goth!" tears stung at Palette's sockets as he shielded the younger sibling from the scene. Elise wailed into his vest, clutching tightly to him as her brother sobbed out hysterical pleas for release. Horror and frustration warred in his chest; he wanted to help, but he had been batted away so easily. There was no way he could win unarmed against an adult.

"Now, what should I break next?" the monster cackled, releasing the damaged arm; crimson marrow dripped onto the pristine flowers below while their victim's tears and whimpering went ignored, "Maaaybe-"

Before they could select another appendage, a sword slashed downward, severing the arm holding Goth. The prince crumpled to the ground with a sharp yelp, curling in on himself as the attacker reeled back, howling in agony while clutching the bleeding stump of their arm.

A knight now stood between Goth and the stranger, brandishing his sword at the latter as he shouted, "I will have your head for your villainy!"

The princess scrambled toward her fallen brother, grabbing a handful of her sibling's jacket as Palette joined her while sobbing, "Brother... brother, get up! Please, get up!"

Goth's breaths came out in shuddering gasps, their sockets clenched tight against the pain wracking their trembling body as a dark marrow stain crawled up the white sleeve of their cloak; the sight made Palette shudder as Elise continued wailing.

His friend needed help; he needed to help them.

Taking a breath to calm his frazzled nerves, Palette carefully pulled the bloody fabric from the fractured bone; the sight of splintered bones bathed in marrow brought on a wave of nausea, prompting a deep breath. Goth barely even seemed to register his actions, only releasing a soft whine once the wound was exposed. Pushing past his desire to look away from the gruesome injury, he placed his hands gently over where it looked the worst; a green glow of light emitted from his hands as he attempted to reassure the younger sibling, as well as himself, with a shaky voice, "He'll be okay; this sh-should help."

While he wasn't skilled enough to completely heal broken bones yet, he could at least do something to help ease the pain. Elise's tears slowed at the declaration, so that was a start.

"Lord Goth!" The knight sheathed their sword, kneeling opposite Palette. The man appeared to be an older brunette human in silver armor and a red and white cape... somewhere in their thirties or forties, if the young skeleton had to guess. 

The bad guy from earlier was nowhere to be found.

"S-Sir R-Ry... ner...?" Goth panted, a lightless eye socket cracking open slightly before falling shut once more. Elise sniffled, her sockets clenching as her small hands gripped his clothing.

"I will take care of things from here," the knight stated, reaching forward; Palette let his magic fade in response. Goth groaned softly as his broken wrist was positioned against his chest and his body was scooped up into the man's arm followed by his sister in the other. Standing to his full height, he pulled his charge close, "Hold strong, Young Lord; you will see a healer forthwith."

Looking down, the knight addressed the remaining child, "Are you unharmed?"

Palette nodded his skull, his sockets flooding as his emotions got the better of him, "Will he be okay?"

"Worry not," the knight assured, "he will be fine once he sees a proper healer. I thank you for your comforting words and effort, young man. The fiend from earlier has escaped; you should head home to avoid further trouble. Take care and good day."

Palette was startled as the man abruptly turned, quickly striding away from him, "Wait, I...!"

The words died in his throat as the man disappeared over the hill, carrying the barely conscious prince and the crying princess away. Palette was left alone and in tears, standing in the abandoned field of flowers.

He dashed home; his chest burned like the sun overhead and his mind raced as quickly as his feet down the dirt roads. Goth was hurt because he had been too weak; Elise was sad because he couldn't save her brother. He needed to be stronger; that knight was strong... that knight had protected his friends from the bad guy.

His house came into view and he slammed the door open, startling his mom in the process. "Mom, I want to join the royal guard!" Palette yelled, filled with a conviction that was completely at odds with the tears streaming down his face.

"What?!" his mom squawked.

After struggling for so long to find his path in life, he finally found a calling worth striving for; a calling he would pursue no matter the trials... becoming a royal guard to protect his friends, Lord Goth and Lady Elise.


Word Count: 1,212

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