Chapter 18: The Sting of Betrayal

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Chapter Warnings: Non-consensual drug use, death threats


"... What?" Goth breathed. No... no, he couldn't have possibly heard one of their officers calling him a threat... he had to be hearing things...

Glancing around at the multitude of soldiers wordlessly staring back, his eye light drifted over the table... Xander's teacup was still full. "You...," his face screwed up in disbelief toward the offending knight; they couldn't even look him in the sockets, proving the very thing he wanted to deny. His body shook from unsteadiness and anger as he turned to the man standing at the entrance, "Our own guard... what've you all done to me?"

Drago cooly responded, "Some Mandragora was mixed into your drink; a parting gift from all of us."

Mandragora... a sedative and pain reliever that was popular with local apothecaries; that explained his lethargy as well as the sweetness of his tea earlier. He wouldn't have much time before being rendered fully unconscious... he needed to escape and warn Palette.

"Men, seize him."

He threw up a defensive wall when three sets of hands reached out for him, only for a painfully flimsy barrier to materialize and shatter upon impact; his magic was already failing him. The entrance was no good as it was completely blocked off by Drago's men; he would need to find another way out.

Staggering back and overturning his chair to block another attempt to restrain him, his eye light combed over the room and locked in on the stained-glass windows lining the outer wall a foot below the ceiling... it would be a shame to destroy them, but he needed a way out. Sending a wave of brittle constructs into the crowd as a distraction, he took to the air as he summoned another bone to smash out the glass; the excess magic usage tested his focus, but the aerial escape would at least put him out of rea-

"AHHH!" he screamed as his left arm jerked back sharply. Shuddering as he collided with the unyielding stone floor, he found a thin, almost transparent string wrapped around his wrist that led to one of the guards; a spider-like monster. Reaching out with his free hand in hopes of loosening the thread, he realizes his mistake too little too late as more spun around the other wrist, quickly binding the two together.

"Bring him up," the officer instructed. The spider monster stepped forward, hooking the strings over a loose nail in the rafter overhead and lifting him off of the ground; the action drew a pained gasp as the strings strained against Goth's wrists. The group parted as their leader stepped forward to eye his dangling form, "Thanks... what's your name?"

"Kiran, Sir."

Trying to concentrate on his enemy instead of the strings digging into his joints, Goth weakly gasped, "Why are you doing this? You swore an oath to protect my family."

"Don't play innocent, everyone here knows of your schemes," the man spat amidst the angry mutters of their cohorts, "ever since your abdication was decided, you've secretly been plotting a coup against our fair ladies."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing! "They're my mother and sister!" he breathed, "I'd never do anything to put them in harm's way; where's your proof?"

His enemy remained stone-faced, "The attack on the carriage two months ago; you sustained no injuries despite fighting multiple adversaries according to your own words." Goth cursed himself; he had only reported no injuries to keep Elise from fussing over him. His silence only seemed to spur them on, "Your bid to gain favor from the aristocrats during the party afterward didn't go unnoticed either; it was clear to all present you were pandering to draw notoriety away from the rightful heir while placing yourself in a better social standing to take back the throne."

The smaller skeleton fought to process their words; it was getting difficult to keep his skull up and the pain in his wrists was growing distant, "Does my family know of what you're doing?"

"Lady Elise is unaware of your treachery; her pureness won't be tainted by your evil plans," they answered solemnly, "As for Her Highness, she has held suspicions of your intent for years, yet deigned in her benevolence to only have us monitor you; after some discussion, we decided to take action on the Queen's behalf to relieve her of her worries and rid her of your presence." A devilish grin spread across their mustached face, "I can just imagine how lavishly Lady Leofe will reward us for quashing the usurper plaguing her nightmares; she might make me Captain in place of that senile fool Ryner, or she might even bestow upon me the coveted title of Grand Cross for my service to the crown."

They were nothing more than opportunistic knights playing on the queen's doubts for profit... at least it seemed Sir Ryner wasn't part of their numbers. Goth let out a ragged huff, his gaze falling to the stone floor below, "Your ego betrays your black heart... don't expect to get away with this; someone will take notice of your villainy and justice will strike you all down."

Murmurs rose and he heard the man snarl, only for them to then ask, "You mean that rookie chevalier you've been messing around with; what's his name...? Right, Sir Palette." Goth found the strength to lift his skull once more, his unease mounting from the knowing smile Drago wore, "Come to think of it, he's been aiding in your plot..." Horror rushed through him when they announced, "It'll be a shame to lose such a promising recruit, but treason is a heavy crime with a heavier price."

"N-no!" Goth furiously renewed his struggle, weakly pulling against the strings binding his arms. He kicked his legs out, trying to break the threads despite the dull pain radiating down his arm and the drowsy fog overtaking him, "He has nothing to do with this! I... I'm the one you wanted... p-please, leave him be!"

"Enough!" the officer snapped, turning away from him.

"Please, he's inno-phnn!" A wad of cloth was shoved roughly into his mouth, stretching his jaw past the point of comfort. "Nnnh!" he screamed as the knight's heavy footsteps receded; the action only made his vision swim and his skull pound.

"We'll hear no more of your lies," the man calmly stated; the voice sounded so far away now, "You and that traitor will be punished for your crimes. Be thankful we're granting you the mercy of a painless demise; the rookie won't be so fortunate. Now, someone remove that scarf; we'll need it as bait to catch our rat."

"Hnnnph... hhhph...," he tried to push the cloth from his mouth, but it refused to budge. His hazy eye light darted around desperately for any signs of compassion, but found none as the group closed in around him. Up close, he could vaguely make out a few faces, including the dog monster from the previous night. 

He was lowered roughly to the ground and hands grabbed at him, forcing a shiver from him as his scarf was removed and the bare bones of his neck were exposed. "Nnnnh...," tears pooled in Goth's drooping sockets and spilled down his cheeks as more strings wove their way around his heavy limbs. This was it... this was his end.

Xander had betrayed them, Drago had betrayed them... the Queen's fears had betrayed them. 

Fatigue and numbness pressed in on him as his thoughts grew muddled, drifting away like grains of sand; he could barely make out what was happening around him. With what little strength he still laid claim to in his final moments of consciousness, he silently prayed that Palette would somehow escape their clutches... and begged forgiveness should his friend fall victim to the web of lies as well.


Word Count: 1,304

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