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This world, which revolves around the flaming red Sun is inhibited by a variety of animal races that breathe the air engulfing the planet, drink the cool water that seeps through the crevices of the earth's crust, feast on the vegetation that springs out of the soil or prey on other weak animals as their source of food. After a few billion years after the beginning of the planet, a race of intelligent species came forth and became the ruling race of the planet. They are called Homo sapiens, also known as humans. The race withstood the hardship and faced the wild using their high intellect and shrewdness and went through endless cycles of evolution till they became strong in both mind and body.

In this age, the race of humans is divided into three categories on top of two sexes, male and female. The 10% of the population is classified as the alphas, born with high intellect, and great physique, and occupied the top place in the pyramid. Closely followed behind them in terms of rarity is the omegas, accounting for 30%, despite their similarity in rarity, the two are as different as apples and oranges, in terms of personalities and appearances. Omegas male and female are known for their beautiful features and sweet, gentle personality while alphas are the opposite, strong handsome physiques, and sharp attitudes with an air of arrogance around them. The rest of the world's population is made up of betas, the ones without many outstanding characteristics but are the important cogs that spin the wheel of life on the planet. The most distinct feature of these humans is that both sexes, male and female, are able to reproduce. The omegas are the most fertile with a 100% of successful pregnancy rate for both men and women while betas are in second place with 60-70% success rates. The alphas, however, have a 30-40% chance of success, given their tough physical structures. With no boundaries that limit relations to the opposite sex, the world, now, has seen more same-sex couples and marriages that continue to flourish.

Our story takes place in this alternate universe. Let us all enter this world and see how our beloved pairs are doing.


Hi ya! Merry everything and Happy always, people.

As promised, this is my 2nd smutty fic. I hope this brings heat to our community.

With this year soon coming to an end, I wish everyone a very happy and wonderful year ahead.

Thanks for being with me all these years with all my crappy stories. I am glad if I can bring you all some kind of emotion, happiness, fluff, horny, or even anger...

My interest in 19 days will never end but the stories I can make up will eventually come to an end. Before that happen, let's enjoy this ride, shall we?

Have a safe holiday.


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