Eye of the Storm

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One day

The car ride to the hospital with He Tian behind the wheel was nothing but terrifying experience for Mo. He was so bother with horrific turns and skipping red lights that he almost forgot the pain radiating from his bottom. "Are you trying for double suicide?" he was so nauseous that he couldn't even stand straight by the time they arrived at the hospital. He Tian wrapped his arms around Mo's shoulder and half pulled and half carried him inside. He was sweating more than the patient himself, but Mo kept to himself since nothing he said, or protest would stop his husband and would just draw unnecessary attention from all the bystanders.

The nurse finally gave them a form to fill in while they waited for the physician. He Tian took it upon himself to fill in the form while massaging Mo's knee with one hand. "I am fine, dude. Stop touching me. People are watching." He Tian stared at him as if he couldn't comprehend any of the words that came out of Mo's mouth and shrugged. "Who cares? I am not going to stop comforting my baby." "You aren't comforting me. You clingy chicken dick." Mo slapped his hand and crossed his legs. "And I am never going to stop."

He Tian stood up and kissed the top of Mo's head. "Wait for me. I will go give this to the nurse." He headed over to the counter, leaving Mo sitting in his seat with a faint smile which disappeared immediately into a scowl when he noticed a five year old kid was staring at him with wide eyes. It took them another 20 minutes for their turn, which gave He Tian more time to buy tons of snacks, drinks for Mo as if they were going to be there for a week. By the time, their name were called, Mo was halfway through his cookie and second cup of coffee. He gave the staring kid's mother the rest of the snacks and stroked the kid's head when he smiled so widely at him that Mo was afraid, he might dislocate his jaws.

Inside the doctor's room was quiet. The doctor was unfortunately a female and was visibly younger than the two men. She had a big round glasses on her tiny nose bridge and a tight bun that made her looked like a cartoon character. She kept glancing up from her notes and the ultrasound image on her screen to Mo and He Tian. Mo was so embarrassed that he wanted shrink inside his shirt like a tortoise and stay there forever. He Tian, on the other hand, had no reaction whatsoever and sat stoic and quiet since they entered. With one hand holding Mo's thigh and the other on the table, He Tian looked professional and frankly, mature. After excruciating five minutes, the doctor finally made an audible noise with her throat and folded the notes. "Mr. Mo Guang Shan, am I correct?" She leaned forward with her elbows on the table and smiled at Mo who was fidgeting with a red face. "Um...yea" "I gather you are an alpha and both of you are married, an alpha pair."

Both of them nodded to confirm the doctor's words and Mo felt a gentle squeeze on his thigh.

Mo glanced at He Tian who had made it his mission to just stare straight at the doctor. "It is not common for us to get alpha couples, so I was surprised a bit. My apologies for not being professional." "It's fine. Can you just get to the point? Is my baby, ok?" He Tian's voice was sharp and had no shred of usual politeness. "He Tian! Don't..." Mo scolded at his husband, not knowing whether he was scolding him for being rude or calling him a baby in front of a doctor. The doctor just smiled at him and replied, "Of course, Mr. He. Your husband is fine. The ultrasound and examination showed minimal abrasions inside his anal canal." Mo thought it would be better to just jumped out the window.

The doctor turned her screen to the two to show them of the internal ultrasound photo and she tapped on a small tube with her pen. "Here is swollen and had some tear. But nothing major so it should heal on its own." He Tian looked like a kicked puppy, and he tightened his grip on Mo's thigh, hoping Mo felt his sincere apology. "Since Mr. Mo wasn't on his rut so birth canal was not open. So, I am afraid that the knot didn't work." It made the two snapped their necks at the doctor. "...work what, doctor?" This was the first time Mo spoke since they arrived and his voice was so small, almost like a squeak. The doctor stared at him with a puzzled look. "I am sorry. May I know if you two are trying to get pregnant? I just assumed."

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