Chapter 12: Last Stand

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Author's POV

After a week pass by, Hanji and the other Engineers were able to weaponized the sealed Trost gate to kill Titans which they called it, Executioner from Hell.

After a week pass by, Hanji and the other Engineers were able to weaponized the sealed Trost gate to kill Titans which they called it, Executioner from Hell

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Hanji: "Squad 1! Lure the Titans in!"

Scout1: "Yes, Ma'am!"

Squad 1 hop on their horses and went to find a Titan to lure.

Hanji: "Alright. Now we just need to wait for them to come back!"

Ymir: "You sure that this thing will work?"

Hanji: "It will! Because if not, we still have rooms for improvement. We plan to make these in each gates of the walls."

Annie: "You plan to make giant Guillotine on each gates? To be honest, that sounds kinda dumb. Seeing a giant Guillotine on the entrance of Wall Sina."

Levi: "She's out of line, but she's right. Installing giant Titan Killing machines on each wall is stupid. Just place it on the other wall where the Titans are."

Hanji: "Alright, fine. Now let's see these baby in action. Here comes Squad 1!"

They saw the Squad 1 riding back to the wall with at least three Titans following them.

Hanji: "Lead them to the gate!"

Squad 1 went towards the gate and one of the Titans sticks it's head on the hole while trying to reach the Scouts.

Hanji: "Drop it now!"

The Scouts above the gate cut the rope, dropping the huge piece of wood on the Titan's nape, killing it.

Hanji: "Yes! It worked! It freaking worked! HAHAHAHA!!"

She quickly grab one of the Engineers by the collar and lift him up.

Hanji: "Quick! Take notes on everything! We need to make improvements!"

Engineer1(Scared): "Y-Yes Ma'am!"

Hanji continue to shake the Engineer like a mad person while the others looks at her like she's insane.

Annie: "If she sees the weapon on Marley, I doubt that she'll be coming back."

Ymir: "Yup... She's definitely won't be coming back."

Then they were interrupted by Eren coughing blood.

Hanji: "Eren! Are you alright?!"

Annie: "He's pushing himself to the limit with his new power. If you keep doing that, you'll be dead before your 13 years can even expire."

Petra: "Try not to push yourself too far, Eren."

Eren: "But I have too. To help Humanity against the Titans."

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