Chapter 18

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That's right Parker I know who you are close with the most Mac said with an evil smile

peter's world collapses in on itself

no, not again he thought

peter slowly approaches Gargan

i'm gonna tell the whole world that spider-man is peter parker his identity and then after that when you put me in jail  lincoln will get his man after your precious girl MJ maybe even your best buddy Ned Leeds while their at it Gargan says with an evil smirk then laughs evilly

He can't let it happen again not after everything he's lost everything it cost him

you keep your mouth scorpion said as it catches Peter off, the guard then he's using his tail to break free from the strains and knock peter to his feet

scorpion pins peter to the ground by the throat he removes spiderman's mask and begins to laugh

he leans in close to peter

Gargan : Let me tell you the second I'm out of here I'm going to kill every single person you love all of your friends your family that little girlfriend of yours I'm going to personally cut their throats and watch the life leave their eyes while they know it's your fault

peter screams out and is able to break gargan's hold the punch and smash the scorpion's helmet revealing his face

Peter shoots out a web and pulls a broken pipe from the damaged wall and slams the pipe into Gargan again and again sending him to the ground

Gargan cowers in fear

peter doesn't fall for it and cries out in anger and with every last ounce of his strength he slams the pipe into gargan's jaw

peter steps back horrified at what he's done as he hears sirens in the distance and swings away

he couldnt stay back home with MJ after what he did so he went home

Peter holds his suit in his hands being horrfied of the person he has become

he started just breaking down crying in his bed being completly ashamed of himself

i mean Gargan is in the hospital alive but  he has  severe brain damage and internal bleeding

he could be in a coma for the rest of his life

peter looks at the suit these colors the symbol it's supposed to stand for something something greater something that peter can't be

Peter  hears a voice oh honey what's wrong

he  looks to see someone he never expected to see at all to see his mother may parker

Peter is  now sitting in his childhood home everything is calm here everything is safe

May May i'm so sorry i thought it was a suit i thought taking it off would fix things but i'm just so angry i mess things up i became worse Peter said crying breaking down as May puts her arms around him

baby there's nothing to be sorry about everything is okay it's not your fault May said sofly comforting him

am i a bad person May Peter said crying even more

oh sweetheart of course you're not it's all okay i'm so proud of you we both are May said sofly to him

i just not the person that i thought i was he closes his eyes and begins to sob into her i'm so sorry may he said as tears start to well in his's eyes  and his voice starts to break

It's okay Peter but now it's time for you to wake up May said softly

what peter said confused

wake up May said loudly then Peter woke up to reality

when he was actually woken up by his best friend Ned

he woke up now it was all just a dream except for attacking Gargan that wasn't a dream May comforting him was she was gone

Ned Peter said softly as Ned just hugged him tightly

It's okay Ned said softly hugging him tighter

Wanna talk about it Ned said softly

Uh no I don't Peter said sadly

Ned: Oh ok I uh saw the news they said that you went AWOL on the scorpion dang he must have really fucked up for you to do that to him

No Ned I did messed up I shouldn't have done that Peter said sadly looking down

Dude come on don't beat yourself up for it Ned said

Peter:Are you kidding how can I not Lincoln knows how I am and he sent scorpion after my loved ones and then scorpion Mac he knows too and I nearly killed someone Ned twice

So at least Mac isn't gonna rat you out he's no longer your concern Ned said trying to make Peter feel better

MJ probably thinks I'm a Monster of probably doesn't want me anymore after this Peter said sadly

Ned: Dude are you kidding she's loves you no matter what plus it's the opposite she was worried sick about you when she saw the news of you being attacked and she's been texting you and calling you why didn't you answer

I don't know I just don't want to answer Ned I was tired and I thought she was mad at me Peter said confused

Ugh are you kidding me man of course she isn't Ned said annoyed

They heard a door slam open by MJ

Ned get out here I need some time with Peter MJ said annoyed crossing her arms

Yeah to fuck him right now I don't think he's in the mood for that right now Ned said annoyed

Ned Peter said in a low shout

Oh my god no I wanted to make sure Peter was ok Leeds MJ said walking up to hug him as he hugged back tightly

Gee I was joking with you man I know that Ned said then chuckled

You are so not funny MJ said annoyed

Peter: Ned MJ thanks I just dreamt that May was here and I was home with her she comforted me but what happened today so i sort of had a hard time about it so I'm ok now


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