Dirty Deeds Ep.17 Pt.2

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Mari and Anne were seen backstage until they were stopped by Trish Stratus.

Anne: No need to say it....

Mari: We lost fair and square, but that won't stop us from beating Toxic Attraction at Unforgiven.

Trish: I like your positive attitudes ladies, but I'm afraid that Toxic Attraction isn't going to be your only problem because....... I added Decay to the match as well after their amazing performance in that ring.

Mari and Anne looked at her like Trish was crazy.

Anne: Are you kidding?!

Trish: I'm afraid not. Also..... it'll be a ladder match for those titles so....... yeah... be careful who you're calling crazy.

Trish then walked away as Anne and Mari were in total shock to hear the sudden change in their match stipulation until the cameras faded back to ringside for the next match.

Laney: The following contest is a Pit of Pain qualifying match set for one fall! Introducing first......  from London, England...... Killer Storm!

Killer walked out and down the ramp, still frustrated over everything that's happened with Nikki Cross as Killer arrived to the ring and got in before doing her pose until her theme cut.

Laney: And her opponent..... from Seattle, Washington....... Catherine Ambrose!

Catherine walked out and down the ramp while ignoring the fans and soon arrived to the ring before she got in and did a pose on the turnbuckle until her theme cut and the bell rang. Once the bell did ring though, a theme played.

Nikki slowly walked out and stood on the stage until she walked to the ring and stood outside the ring as her theme cut. Killer looked at Nikki with a look of regret until Catherine attacked Killer and started wailing on her.

Catherine then picked up Killer and started to assault Killer. Catherine was about to do a Sycthe Runner on Killer, but Killer got out of it and landed a Not So Fast on Catherine until she looked at Nikki for a second before Killer violently started to assault Catherine. Killer then grabbed Catherine and slammed her face onto the turnbuckle when Catherine held her jaw in pain.

Killer then did a running dropkick on Catherine until she picked her back up and did a Cold Slumber on Catherine, but Catherine accidentally knocked down the ref as Killer went for a pin, but Nikki suddenly got in the ring and hit Killer with a chair to her back. Nikki then lifted Killer up and did Glasgow Cross on Killer before she dragged Catherine over to Killer and got out of the ring before the ref regained consciousness as Catherine pinned Killer and got the 1,2,3 and won the match as she was going to the Pit of Pain for the WOW title.

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