Camper Issues

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Arc was currently running as fast as her could to get away from Say for he has stolen her juice boxes.  It was like he was running a marathon for some juice boxes he just wanted to drink in peace.  But, a very great idea had popped up into Arc's mind.  Why doesn't he just steal Say's camper and drive away?  That's a great idea for Arc to do, Arc darts over to Say's camper, that she totally did not steal from someone, He hops on the camper but not fast enough.  Say who was just behind Arc jumps on the camper just before he could drive off.  Arc runs over to the back to grab the baseball bat they keep for protection and hits Say across the head with it, hence knocking her out.  Arc jumps back over to the front of the camper and sits in the drivers seat, he starts up the camper and starts driving off with a giant grin upon his face.

Say starts rocking awake on the bed in the back of the camper, puts a hand up to her head trying to remember what happened moments prior to lead her to be laying down in the camper.  "Ugh.." She groans stretching looking up to the front of the camper.  "Arc, what the hell are you doing driving MY camper?" Say looks up at Arc in the front planning different ways to get Arc away from the driver's seat but before Say could even lay a finger on Arc.  Arc decided it would be a perfect time to take some pretty sharp turns causing the camper to tilt quite a bit.  Forcing Say to fall and roll back to the back of the camper sadly.  Ending up laying on the bed in the back Say groans quite loudly directed towards Arc.

Say stands up trying to get back up towards Arc but the downside the camper ended up going flying across town, over houses, over neighborhoods, over the office, doing front and back flips all over the place.  "SAYYYYY, YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO STAND UP!" Arc shouts loosing control of the steering wheel.

"Not my fault, your the one driving my camper without even asking for my permission." Say pouts.  Few minutes later the camper ends up crashing into the forest hanging off of the trees 5 inches away from the ground.  Say and Arc crashing into the front window bruising themselves.  Say groans standing up and looking around the surrounding area of where they have crashed into. Noticing it's near where the monkey attack was the day prior.  She stands up and is about to walk out of the door before Arc pounces onto her and they end up rolling around and fighting each other in the camper.  The camper starts shaking rather aggressively and falls through the rest of the trees hitting the ground with a very loud and obnoxious thump.  Arc Puts picks up Say and throws her back into the camper's bed at the end and get's back in the drivers seat continuing his driving experience with the camper.

Arc drives around and ends up near a McDonalds spotting Charon and Norman her drives over and kidnaps the two of them throwing them into the camper, "Come on plebians, we must drive our way across the world and rule these streets." Arc looks over at all three of the people he "kidnapped" well at least "borrowing" them for a road trip.

Charon was thinking it was a pretty great idea to start jumping around the camper and try climbing the walls which just lead to the camper flying off again with Arc and Norman grinning like maniacs as the camper flies through the skies with a rainbow trail behind them following the camper throughout the skies; Until, the camper lands in the forest again.  Say groans looking over at Arc, "Not again are you serious?"

Arc looks over at Say, "Yes, yes. I am."  Then looks over at Norman grinning and pushes him out of the camper doors onto the dirty forest floor where this giant mantis is eating a tree.  The mantis looks up from eating the tree startled by the noise thinking that someone is here to take him away and eat him, pfft like that'll ever happen to him he thought.  He looks over to Norman and gasps very dramatically running over and picking him up.

"SON! How have you been, I haven't seen you in like a year!" He runs off with Norman in his arms off to the city to get some father and son bonding time leaving behind the other 3 in the camper unknown of their presence. 

"Welp I guess we'll have to try something else to get the camper unstuck.  I thought the mantis would help us." Arc says pouting looking outside at where the two have vanished from.  "Wait I have an idea." Standing up Arc walks over to the door jumps out of the camper and walks underneath it.  He then jumps up and down hopping that his head can get the camper unstuck from the trees if he shook it well enough.  Inevitably it did work and the camper was back on all four wheels ready to drive off again.

Say sighs hopping off the camper, "Well Arc, I think your time driving is over." She states grabbing the camper's keys from Arc.  "I'll let you drive again when you actually have a driver's license." Say grabs Arc and starts walking out of the forest to their home smiling.

Poor Charon.  He was left alone asleep in the camper not knowing what is going on the world surrounding him he drifts off into a very deep slumber.

949 words :)

(This was also sort of based off of a rp with my friend kaitoirl) 

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