Chapter 2: They call him Mugiwara Luffy

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 A slight One-Piece Naruto crossover. I DONT own One-Piece or Naruto they belong to Eiichiro Oda and Masashi Kishimoto, respectively. I make no money off this it is purely for my own entertainment. this fanfiction is based off the One-Piece manga. 

on with the story


The boys where floating in a small rowboat heading to the next island. Tamaki thought that it would be safe to leave Luffy to take care of the boat while he had a nap. What he forgot was that Luffy was careless at the best of times but even more so when he was excited and boy was, he excited.

"The weather is nice today" Luffy said excited to finally be out at sea. Tamaki smirked looking at the sky before turning to Luffy.

"Hey, Lu I'm gonna take a nap. Look after the boat, okay?" Tamaki said while getting a grin and a nod from Luffy.

Tamaki woke up to the boat rocking violently and Luffy talking to himself.

"Hard to believe that we're getting sucked into a whirlpool, maybe I was too careless." Luffy muttered to himself. This coursed Tamaki to jump up and shout "You think! Troublesome" Tamaki looked around the boat to see if he could find anything that could possibly save them when he saw an empty barrel. Sighing in annoyance that in the short time he was asleep Luffy had eaten all their supplies, but it did give them a way out of this situation.

"Luffy! Into the barrel now! Troublesome brother" Tamaki yelled also getting into the barrel then closed the lid tight on top.

Elsewhere there was a ship with a swan figurehead and hearts on the sails. This ship was a pirate ship.

"Is there dust on my bulwark?" a feminine voice snapped out scaring a few of the men close by.

"A thousand pardons Lady Alvida, I thought I cleaned every inch of the ship!!!" a scared man shouted in fright, the woman was not impressed by the man and turned to a pink haired boy.

"Koby! Who is the fairest throughout all the seas?" she demanded making everyone sweat nervously especially the boy, Koby.

"Why you are Lady Alvida! No one compares to you!" Koby said with a nervous laugh. Sweating even more when she starts to talk about how if he didn't have knowledge of the seas, she would of fed him to the sharks by now.

⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱ a little while later ⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱

Koby was rolling a barrel into the storage room where three other pirates were. "What's that Koby? Did a barrel of sake wash up on shore?" one of the pirates asked while the other two got an idea.

"Yeah, and it's not empty but I don't know what's in there though, I don't know what to do with it." Koby said with apprehension.

"Well, I know what to do with it!" the second pirate said coursing the first to turn and say, "But if the captain finds out she'll have our heads." Only for the third to pipe up with "she'll never find out."

The three pirates turned to Koby and started to threaten him into keeping quiet when Luffy burst through the top of the barrel while stretching with a big D-shaped grin on his face.

"That was a great nap!" Luffy yelled out while Tamaki slowly stood up in the barrel and got out while holding his head. "Troublesome, I got dizzy enough I thought I was going to throw up. Never again." Tamaki ground out green faced.

"What the Devil!?" one of the men shouted at Luffy as Luffy knocked the nearest one out.

"Hmm Looks like we survived somehow." Luffy said loudly making Tamaki face palm at his Captain.

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