Lightbulb x Paintbrush (SMUT)

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I personally love this ship, it makes a lot of sense anyways
I'm an Lightbulb kin too so that's cool

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, yawning and stretching. I get out my bed, scratching my stomach while I walked to my closet to pick out some clothes. I decided to wear my favorite shirt; it was a yellow striped cut off shirt, it looked a bit ripped and messed up at the end of the shirt, but I still liked it. I also wore some jean shorts, they got a bit small for me. So they were a bit tight when I sat down, "That just shows how thicc I am!" I thought to myself while giggling. I walk out of my room, smiling all the way to go see Painty.

I make it to their room and knock on the door, leaning back and forth, waiting for them to open the door for me. Painty finally opens the door and looks slightly annoyed, but lets me in anyways. I jump on the bed full of joy, turning around to see Painty just sitting on their phone, scrolling through whatever. I jump off the bed and lean on them, smooshing my face against their chest.


Paintbrush sighs before nudging Lightbulb off a little bit, seeming a bit agitated. They turn the other way, no longer facing Lightbulb's confused face; Lightbulb knew that Paintbrush normally loved it when they cuddled like that, so she had no idea what was up with them. Lightbulb then went on to go over to the bed she was originally sitting on, still looking at Paintbrush trying to figure out what was wrong with them. She grabbed one the pens that they had lying around, ending up throwing the pen at Paintbrush's head to see how they would react.

A small tick could be heard from the pen hitting Paintbrush's head, followed with them turning their head around with a large frown stretching across their face. Paintbrush got up, near damn stomping over to Lightbulb. She backed up a little bit, somewhat regretting letting her overwhelming curiosity get the best of her, but enjoying this every bit. "WILL YOU STOP FUCKING WITH ME?!" Paintbrush yelled, grabbing Lightbulb by her shirt and pulling her closer to their face just so she could get the memo; but all the effort to no avail, since she was already interested in this degrading act of theirs. And despite how Paintbrush was still fuming rude remarks about how Lightbulb can't stop and sit down for one second, Lightbulb smirks and raises her hands like a surrendering stance. Paintbrush let go, confused of what she was doing; normally, she would continue poking and prodding with Paintbrush's nerves constantly. Yet, this time was different maybe?

"Alright, I'll get out. Whatever mood you're in, I hope it gets better by the time I come back from my normal before-lunch-snack so I can rock your ass harder than a speeding car hitting a speed bump." Lightbulb said with a small toothy smile, showing her sharp like teeth. Paintbrush completely flushes up from this sentence and tries to say something but keeps stuttering, watching as Lightbulb just walks out like nothing she said mattered. It was only til Paintbrush saw the door close right in front of them to think about what the fuck they were going to do, especially since they knew that Lightbulb doesn't play around when it comes to something like that...from experience. Paintbrush sat down on the bed where they were just yelling at Lightbulb a few minutes ago, questions everything they've ever said; Paintbrush knew they weren't going to be able to walk after this one, most likely because they saw the smirk Lightbulb gave when holding her hands up.

By the time Lightbulb came back, she was about ready to go to town. Paintbrush's face nearly went pure white seeing Lightbulb walk into the room, they already knew what was going to happen so they just accepted their fate. "You want this still, right?" Lightbulb asked, looking at Paintbrush for reassurance. Paintbrush nodded in response, and they soon began making out. Lightbulb immediately dominated the kiss, biting Paintbrush's lip for access to explore their mouth; Paintbrush winced but allowed the rest to happen. Lightbulb had one hand trying to take off her jean shorts while the other was holding Painty, yet she was struggling with her shorts so Paintbrush had to help. They both broke apart from the kiss a few seconds later, breathing heavily as they practically tore their clothes off. Lightbulb was only left with her oversized shirt she had worn under her jacket, while Painty had a cropped turtleneck shirt on. Lightbulb quickly rummaged through the drawers to find a condom, not wanting to mess up the mood nor be unsafe with what they're about to do.

Lightbulb started making out with Paintbrush again, taking their underwear off and aligned her member up with their entrance. Paintbrush was already wetter than a river so there was no need for lube or anything like that. While Lightbulb was towering over Painty, they could feel shivers down their spine; they were on the verge of begging Lightbulb to rock the shit out of them. As soon as Paintbrush stopped thinking for a second, Lightbulb slammed into them. "Shit!~" Paintbrush moaned, covering their mouth. Lightbulb gains the smirk she had from before again, slamming into them even more and digging her nails into them, only making Paintbrush moan more. "Fuck!! Harder please!!~" Paintbrush practically screamed, arching their back while Lightbulb continues to thrust into them. "Mhnm~" Lightbulb groaned, leaning down to bite Paintbrush's neck slightly rough. "S-shit!~ I'm closee~" Paintbrush yelled.

Lightbulb knew exactly what to do then, biting down hard enough to draw blood. "Augh fuckk! I'm- mhnmh!!~" Paintbrush screamed, finally releasing. Lightbulb still wanting to finish herself, kept going. After a few minutes, Lightbulb was close to finishing yet Paintbrush was well overstimulated with their eyes rolling to the back of their head. "Mnggh..Fuck!~" She said, releasing inside of Paintbrush. Both of them breathing heavily, Lightbulb pulls out and lands next to Paintbrush. "Wanna have a round two?" Lightbulb asks, leaving Paintbrush with a flabbergasted expression but they still nod their head anyways. They both take another breather and get back on top of each other.....

also I had to add some quirks to them bc I couldn't help it, plus it somewhat fits them idkkkkk..
been dealin wit some stuff so updates may be slow! But I'm trying to get everything done I promise!!!!!

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