BICKEL OMFGGG - smut n Christmas thingy

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Another Bickel thing that i randomly got motivation for
TW: biting, slight edging, n this takes place mid season 3 of ii
(a little angst btw)

ig u could say that the prosthetic arms leak black stuff (oil or something) but ppl who have a prosthetic count it as blood..coolness


Today was the day where all the contestants from the third season of ii was going to be visiting the hotel for Christmas, which I'm incredibly excited for..but also kind of nervous. Most of everybody has noticed how close Balloon and Nickel have gotten, I mean, every time they both came on screen people looked at me; they all knew I had to be affected by it in someway. After the episodes were over I mostly tried not to cry my eyes out, but enough of that! I was just very excited to see Nickel again..! I'll dress nice but casual; That may win Nickel over and get him away from Balloon!..and now I sound like I'm obsessed with him.

I see everyone running towards the end of Hotel Oj, or at least near the boat that was pulling up to wait for them at the dock, i walked slowly so i wouldn't seem too excited to see my boyfriend again. Which was extremely hard to do, but suitcase was walking besides me, maybe for the same reason; i wouldn't know exactly, i can't read minds. I heard that there was a knew inanimate contestant who could almost do that though..i think her name was Candle..? I don't know, i just miss Nickel.
After a minute of thinking to myself, i hear people running to other people, seemingly the contestants had gotten let off of the boat; I saw Paintbrush hug Lightbulb tightly, like they were never gonna let go of I wish that was me and Nickel, until I heard his voice. "Baseball! Baseball over here!!" I looked over to see Nickel waving his free hand, as his other one was holding...Balloon's hand..? "What.The.Fuck." I said under my breath while walking over to both of them, suitcase following behind me while holding my arm (prosthetic). So she was able to notice how my fist was balled up, but she whispered something to me "It's okay, we'll get an explanation soon enough Baseball..i'm sure of it." I looked at her with worry, but i knew she's probably right. By the time we had finished walking over to Nickel and..Balloon, they stopped holding hands so obviously; me and suitcase noticed way before they could let go of each other but that doesn't matter right now.

Some people started to slightly gather around us which made a whole lot more nervous then i was before, "So..Nickel um, why were you just holding Balloon's hand..?" Suitcase asked for me and i silently thanked her for it. "What do you mean why? Me and Balloon are really close now! It's like we're almost dating !" I felt myself wanting to cry right then and there, i slowly back up from them, i could feel suitcase trying to comfort me without anyone noticing. We could hear some gasp from what Nickel had said, Nickel looked at them weirdly. Balloon looked worried, as I was starting to walk away from the situation while trying my best not to cry. It was my last straw when i saw Nickel wrap his arm around Balloon's neck and fluff his hair up..that's what I used to do with him. I immediately bursted into tears, walking away back to the hotel while pushing through people who have mean looks to Nickel. I could year suitcase yell out for me but i just wanted to go back to the hotel, she ran up from behind me and hugged my arm while walking me back to the hotel which made me smile a little bit. I covered my face with my scarf that i had on, due to it being cold and i also didn't want anyone to see me crying..not like so many already haven't. Me and suitcase walked back into the hotel and i instantly dart off to my room, closing the door and locking it behind me; i'm not opening it until i'm on my deathbed.

I was so angry at the time, all i could see in my head was just memories of Nickel and me passing by, until i remembered something important that he had said to me: "Hey Baseball.." he said, "Hm?" I replied back. "Don't ever cut your hair for me..okay?" after that all i could remember was just nonsense considering the situation now. I got up and went to my bathroom, my eyes and around them red from crying, i grabbed scissors and started cutting at my hair to the point where i'd call myself ugly. I hated me for falling in love with nickel. I hated Nickel for getting more close than we were with Balloon. I was so angry, my hair was just falling as I cut it. I dropped the scissors and looked at my self in the mirror, holding the hair that I cut off. I balled up my fists and punched the mirror, crying as i dropped to the floor and sat there, the glass all over the floor and some shards in my hands. It was hours before i stopped crying. I started to pick out the glass from my hand, blood coming from them.(the prosthetic arms are made to be like real ones) I got up and went to the door of my room and unlocked it, walking out quietly and going downstairs but I forgot it was dinner time. I was downstairs, ignoring everything people tried to say to me, eventually going to the kitchen to grab some bandages to wrap my hand with. The blood quickly started to show with the bandages around the wounds; i put my sleeve over it before Suitcase grabbed my arm, as she had noticed how short my hair suddenly was, "Baseball. Why did you cut your hair..?" she asked. I pointed over to Nickel, who noticed and quickly looked away with regret in his eyes, while i started to walk off as Suitcase looked over at him with disappointment. Me and Nickel weren't going to talk for a while.

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