Fubble (Fluff)

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Sorry to the person who requested this if it's not what you wanted..(you kinda didn't specify.) I sort of took a wild guess tbh. blixerBoii


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOBODY'S POV:

Today was Bubble's birthday, not many people knew; Bubble tried telling Iance but they didn't pay any mind towards what she said. Only Fanny knew, considering Fanny was head over heals for Bubble, she just hid it well..sort of. Anyways, Fanny was planning something great for Bubble's surprise. Fanny planned to get Ruby, Flower, and maybe a few other people involved with the decorating and planning; Fanny was trying to make a surprise party for Bubble's birthday..party. After a while of getting Ruby and Flower in on it, Ruby went to go tell Gelatin, Donut, and nearly everybody who was in BFB. Fanny specified to not invite the Iance team, at least not Pencil of all people. Pencil always threatened to demote Bubble's position in the alliance, which Fanny couldn't figure out why it was so important.


It was around 9:00 pm, when the party started at least. A few people had their phones out, recording their great time; Although, Fanny was nervous about Pencil finding out about it through social media. Fanny shook it off of her worry-list soon enough, walking over to the punch bowl to have a drink. Fanny grabbed an empty cup, pouring herself some juice in it.

"Enough for two..Fanny.?" Somebody said with a stern voice, it sounded too familiar. Fanny quickly turned to the person who spoke, shocked, Fanny realized it was Pencil AND Match; Sadly, Match tried calming Pencil down but ended up getting dragged along. Fanny was nearly sweating buckets when she saw Pencil standing there, arms crossed, breathing heavily with a furious face on. Bubble walked over, happy to see Fanny who held the party for her stopping soon enough to be greeted with an angry-faced Iance leader. Angry enough, Pencil stormed off; Match followed after, not wanting to be left behind. Match apologized, mouthing the words to Fanny.


"I'll show her! Leaving me out of a party, can you believe that Match!?" I angrily shouted in a random room we walked into. "N-no, I would never leave you out of a party though." Match tried to comfort me, not wanting me to burn into a fitting rage. "I know what we can do for revenge, it'll be great~" I said with an evil grin on my face, now realizing we're in Fanny's room. Match looked nervous, but didn't say anything so I didn't pay no mind. I looked all over the room, looking for something that I can use to get back at Fanny for leaving me out of a party. I ended up finding a Journal named "DO NOT TOUCH." I quickly scanned through the pages, them being full of written words about someone. I stopped on one page an grinned; I grabbed Match who was standing there the whole time, and walked out of the room. Still grasping the book in my hand. There was a DJ up at the front of the room, I walked there asking if I could make a quick speech for a "friend". The DJ was fine and agreed, at least telling me to not mess with any of his stuff up there. I rolled my eyes at his instructions. "Hey everybody! I have a special speech! One that EVERYBODY needs to hear!" I said waving my hands in the air, one holding the book. Everyone turned to look at me, including Match, Bubble, and the person who this was directed to, Fanny.


I saw Pencil at the front of the room, standing at the DJ's stand..waving something in her hand. I soon came to realize that it was my Diary, I nearly threw up and the sudden knot in my throat and stomach. I wanted to speak out, to yell stop, to do something; All I could do was stand in fear, and hope that she wouldn't read it aloud. She did the complete opposite. "Dear Diary, I had a pretty good day. Aside from saying I hate everything, Bubble and me talked for a bit. I don't hate Bubble that much- I don't hate her at all. I love her, I love everything about Bubble. From her accent to her everything! Is that right FANNY? You LOVE Bubble SOO MUCH?" Pencil spoke out, yelling every word so everybody in the room could hear it. I could suddenly feel every objects eyes on me, I really felt like crying and throwing up now. I could feel beads of tears form in my eyes, I opened my mouth to say something but all that came out was a croak. I felt broken and ran out, pushing everybody out of my way. Hearing them giggle and mumble about me. I ran to a nearby forest, not wanting to get lost, I sat by the nearest tree. I almost instantly started shaking and crying, feeling the knot in my stomach re-appear. "I hate this! I hate Pencil! I HATE EVERYTHING!" I yelled, loud enough to make my voice crack at the suddenly loud pitch. I wanted to run away and just never come back, how could Pencil just do something like that..No- She WOULD do something like that. It's Pencil out of all people, what could I have expected. I hear a distant yell not to much later, "Fanny!" it was Bubble! Did she come looking for me? I bet she'll just tell me to give up and leave her alone.. I might as well get it over with. I sighed and soon yelled out, " I'm over here! Behind the tree,Bubble!" I heard grass crunching beneath her footsteps as she got close. Bubble sat down next to me, I took a glance at her face. Wanting to look at it one more time before I got rejected. "Fanny..-" I cut Bubble off, "I know, you don't like me back. Can we just stay friends at least..?" I asked. Bubble looked at me and then giggled, "I came here to comfort you and say I love you too, silly." I came to a sudden stop. Everything around me felt lifted, I nearly fell over like a feather, I grasped Bubble's shirt as I caught my breath. Bubble giggled at my reaction, but soon held me into a long hug. It was around 11:00 pm by now, I hesitated a bit but soon gave in; I passionately kissed Bubble. Bubble was shocked and jumped a bit, but soon fell into it too. It felt like heaven, but like everything, it had to come to an end. We headed back to the rented house that I held the party at, after a minute Pencil and Match walked over. This time Match is the one having the stern face, but is looking at Pencil. "Go on, say it." She ordered, seriously toned. "Um, I'm sorry. Fanny." Pencil apologized, "For what?" I crossed my arms, smirking at how weak she was now. Pencil sighed heavily, obviously annoyed before continuing. "I'm terribly sorry for exposing your secrets, snooping through your room, and reading your diary aloud..in front of everybody." I was blown back a bit by how much she said but soon smiled, "Just don't do it again, I still hate you though." We spent the rest of the night partying, everybody left at probably 1:00 am. Bubble decided to stay and help me clean up, after that she claimed she would stay the night. I complied, not wanting to upset the birthday girl. We went to bed at maybe 1:45 am. Bubble and I cuddle before we drifted off into a slumber.




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