4 x 2 (42) - SMUT

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I'm getting so many more requests, this definitely makes me happy. Btw thanks for everyone who has been here since the beginning! I appreciate all the reads too!! I think 4 goes by they/them
Idk X_Bfb_X
Today was one of the contestants birthday, believe it or not but it was Lollipop's! She wanted to take a day from all the contests and host a party, 4 was hesitant about it but eventually agreed due to X telling them to.

It was around 6:50 pm and the party started at 7:30 pm, people were setting up the decorations and food that they would need. Tree claimed that he even bought a cake, a birthday cake. Not Cake the contestant. Everyone was invited to the party, so even eliminated contestants would be there. Most were happy since that would mean they got to see their friends again. 4 was a bit frustrated since that meant 2 was going as well, they both hated each other. 2 was at least nice to them when he needed to be, other times he preferred not to talk to him. They were most definitely going to fight tonight, it seemed obvious. It was now 7:29 and everyone was getting ready to go inside the house that 4 made for the contestants, all of them being excited to do so. "Before anyone goes in, no fighting; I don't want to revive anyone tonight because I don't feel like it." 4 assured everyone, everyone the rolled their eyes. Or at least a few people in the crowd.

At 7:31 every was in the house and walked around, most people chatted while the loud music went on. Others were drinking and dancing. 4 and X were sitting somewhere in the corner, watching everyone to make sure nothing happens. "Hey! Who wants to play 7 minutes in heaven!" Lollipop asks the crowd. A group of people walked up, wanting to participate in the game. Tree somehow convinced Blackhole to do so as well, but that didn't matter. Lollipop points out 4 and X sitting there and invites them to come join. X was hesitant but went to go play, grabbing 4's hand to come along with him.

The group of people made it to a separate room apart from the main partying grounds, in what seemed to be a bedroom. 4 didn't notice but 2 was in the crowd as well, he was convinced to come join the game too. They all sat in a circle, Lollipop placing a bottle in the middle and spinning it. The bottle landed on Flower and Ruby. With flushed faces, the both made their way into the closet. Everyone went silent as the door closed and the timer started.

7 minutes later

The door was opened and they both looked like a mess, walking out and sitting back down.
Everyone in the room happened to either look shocked or just giggled. The bottle was spun again and the same thing happened over and over again; rare pairs or normal pairs were put in the closet and stuff. A few minutes later of spinning the bottle, it was 4's turn to do so. They spun the bottle and it landed on......2?!

Everyone gasped ever so slightly, it wasn't surprising but was unexpected. 4 looked disgusted, but got up and walked to the door of the closet. They turned back and looked at X, who had leaned against the wall and fell asleep. 4 and 2 walked into the closet which was quite spacious, surprisingly. The door was locked and the timer could be heard starting, making a beeping noise. The music was still loud enough to cover whatever went on in the closet thankfully. 2 looked nervous, glancing to the side. "Just kiss me already, dumb idiot.." 4 mumbled, 2 somehow hearing him. 2 did what he was told to do; he pinned 4 to the wall and started kissing him. 2 bit 4's lip, attempting to explore their mouth. 4 let 2 in, both of them now kissing passionately. Desperate for more, 4 happens to get their hand loose and moved 2's hand down to their crotch. ( yeah 4 has a badussy ) 4 moans slightly as 2 rubs it. Their slit coming out, wetter than water. 2 slips his member inside of 4, thrusting in and out, grunting as he did so. They went back to kissing as 2 kept thrusting, they knew time was running out so they needed to hurry. 4 couldn't let their contestants see them like his, especially not with their enemy! "F-faster!~" 4 whisper-shouted, 2 went as fast as he could.

A few seconds later, 2 is near his end. "Bloody hell!- I'm close!~" 2 tried not to shout. "Shit!~ So am I!" 4 agreed. 2 released in 4, both of them moaning at the warm feeling. At the last second they were both breathing heavily while cleaning themselves up, 4 ruffles his fur down but somewhat make it a little worse. "We won't speak of this. Never. Understand?" 4 snapped, "All I understand is that you're a bottom." 2 cooed.

"Shut up." 4 said, getting the last say as he door was open while they were waiting. 4 rolled his eyes and sat down by X, falling asleep next to him.

"You think they fucked?" Eraser asked, "Definitely." Pen responded. Hours later the party ended and everyone was tired, people went back to their team's home, falling asleep one by one. Four and X had woken up by then, going to the Host HQ. 4 took one last glance at 2 before walking away. 2 noticed, but didn't do anything. They didn't want to peeve 4 off, at least not at this hour.


this was fun to write as well!
thanks for reading and requesting!!!
btw for the requests I haven't done, I promise I'm getting there!!!🙏🙏🙏

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