Sunday dinner

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*meeting, new people can be great at times, but never forget to be careful if you get hurt.
**jazzy's POV
Yesterday was incredible, Harry was just so nice, i bet he asked Jade things about me. Oh, i almost forgot, i didn't call Jade yesterday after my date. She is like so gonna kill me. Maybe i should invite her over my house, and tell her everything. I will have to ask my mom first, i don't want when i invite Jade over, she says she must go back home, i know Jade would be very upset about that. I don't know but Jade and my mom never really talk that much, my mom doesn't really care who i hang out with, as long as it ain't bad people. After i finish, thinking about all that, i quickly went downstairs. "Mom, can i ask you something?"i shouted. "Yes go ahead, am in the kitchen dear."she said. "Ok, mom i wad asking if i could invite Jade over?"i asked her. "Of course you can sweety, you didn't have to ask that, i never really got the chance to know your friends so why not."she said. "Okay then, thanks mom."i told her. "Your welcome sweety."she said. Hmm... that's odd, my mom looks happy, i should ask her why she so happy. "Hey mom, why do you look so happy?"i asked her. "Oh nothing deary, any who, remember that we are going over our new neighbours house for dinner."she reminding me. "Oh i forgot, what time should i get ready?"i asked. "At 5 darling, i am kinda busy cooking breakfast, could you please come and help me?"she asked. "Ok sure mom."i said to her. I told my mom that i would make breakfast and that she could go and sit down. I cooked bacon and eggs, and poured out some orange juice. I don't know if Jade would want any breakfast, knowing Jade, she would eat, like crazy. After i finished i told mom not to eat, because i wanted Jade to sit and eat with us. I went upstairs and called Jade, she answered and i asked if she would like to come over my house. She said she would come and she is on her way. I went back downstairs and told my mom that she will be coming shortly. 15 minutes past and we heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door to see Jade. "Hey, girl, am sorry i didn't call you after my date, i was tierd, that's why i invited you over."i said to her. "Oh ok, no prob, is your mom home?"she asked. "Yes she is, she wanted, to, ahh, get to know you better."i told her. "Wow, why all if a sudden she wants to know me better for?"she asked. "I don't know, she is in a happy mode, i don't wanna spoil it, come inside now Jade, i made breakfast."i said to her. She came inside and said good morning to my mom. I prepared the breakfast for 3 of us. We all sitted around the table and started to eat. "So tell me Jade, how are you?"she asked. "Well am fine, as you can see, and how are you Mrs. Smith?"Jade asked. "Am fine, thank you for asking."my mom said. They started to talk about random things, i also joined the little convo. We finished eating, so my mom said she will wash up, so i can take Jade to my room. Jade and i went upstairs, as we made it to my room, she jumps on my bed. I made sure i looked the door, then i also jumped on my bed beside Jade. "So tell me all about your date, you know lastnite i was waiting for you to call but you didn't, i was kind of upset."she said. "Am really really sorry Jade, i was so tierd and all that i just, am sorry."i said. "Aww, its okay babe, i forgive yah, anyways, tell me all the details."she said. I told her every single piece of information, that happened yesterday. "Omg... Jazzy, you got your first kiss."she squealed. "Yea, yea he is such a good kisser."i said in-between laughs. We talk and talk, to what seem like hours. She received a text from her mom saying that she must come home. We went downstairs, and she told ny mom bye, just when she was going to leave i said,'thank you, for being my friend'. We hugged, and said our goodbyes and she was on her way to go home. "Hey, mom, isn't it time to go over, to our new neighbours yet?"i asked. "No sweetie, but go get ready now, by the time you are finished getting ready it is time to leave."she said. I told her okay and went upstairs into my room. My phone vibrated, signalling, that i got a text message. I took up my phone to see that i got a text from Harry. He said: Hey baby, i missed you alot, yesterday was awsome, i can't wait to ho out with you again, i love you.
I decided to text him back.
To Harry: Hey handsome, i already told you that i enjoyed, yesterday, so i don't need to tell you again. Anyways i also miss you alot, and i think i might fall in love with you. I like you alot.
I sent him that, am here just waiting on him to reply.
Harry: Awww!!!! Thanks so sweet, anyways, i will see you at school tomorrow, Can't wait to see you, bye, i love you.
Well, i can't wait to see Harry, to hold him, to touch him, Jazzy, concentrate, oh yea, am gonna text him back.
To Harry: Ok baby, i like you. Can't wait to see you too. I can't say i love you because i only like you.
I sent him that and turned of my phone, and put it on my dresser. I opened my closet, and began to search through it. I took up a black ripped jeans, and a cheeter coloured blouse. I look for a nice pair of shoes to go with it. I took up a black and gold flats, and now i am finished picking out my clothes. I went inside my bathroom, and had a long shower, i brushed my teeth and came out of the bathroom. I went back inside my room, and began to dress myself. I putted on a little make up, lipstick and accessories. I styled my hair in a messy bun. And for my final touch, i put on my shoes, and now i looked nice. I took up my bag and went downstairs. "Hey mom, how do i look?"i asked my mom. "Aww, sweetie you look, fab,how do i look?"she asked. "You look wonderful as always mom."i told her. We both walked to the door and my mom opened it, and we walked to our neighbours house. I knocked on the door, it opened, to reveal a very young looking girl, maybe around my age, standing beside to what looks like her brother. I must say her brother looks hot, but not as hot as Harry though. "Hey am Madison, and this is my daughter Jasmine, we are your new neighbours, your mom invited us to your dinner."my mom told them. "Oh ok, my name is Emily and this is my brother, Mathew."Emily said. Mathew waved to me and i waved back with a simle. They let us in, and let me tell you, there house was so neat, and tidy. They showed us to the dining area, and told us to sit, while they go for their mom. 20 minutes later, Emily, Mathew and their mom walked in the dining area. "Hey, my name is, Alexis, but your daughter can call me Mrs. Thompson."she said. "Good evening, Mrs. Thompson."i greated her. "Good evening dear, let us eat our dinner, shall we?"she asked my mom and i mom. "Yes, we shall."my mom and i said at the same time. After we finished eating, me, Emily and Mathew, got to know each other better, while my mom and Mrs. Thompson talk about food. I found out that Emily and Mathew will be attending the same school as me. Emily and i had lots in common, i knew that me and her, will be great friends.
It was now time to go, we said our goodbyes and went home. As i reached in my room, i was so tierd, so i just slept in the same clothes, waiting for tomorrow to come, to see Harry.

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