Heart broken

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*lots of people get, jealous, some don't ask why? Why, did they do that? That's why when you are in a relationship, you must not jump to conclusions.
Xoxo: Jina
Jazzy's POV**
I was in my living, deciding if i should call Harry before i go to school. I was already dressed, and all that. I have a bad feeling, that he hates me i don't know. I didn't do anything, so why am i having this feeling? I wondered. I took up my phone, and dialed Harry's number, it ringed 5 time with no answer, so i decided to leave a message. I hope he gets it.
I don't feel like walking with Matt and Emily today, i will just walk by myself. I got up of the couch, and setted off to my journey, to school.
*****At school*****
I reached school, everyone was wispering about me. Some saying that i cheated on Harry, what? I didn't cheated. Why is everyone, thinking that i did. I avoided the hateful glares, from the children, and continued to walk to my locker. I saw Harry with Abby, walking together hand in hand, with her companions. "Harry, why are you walking with Abby?"i asked him. He didn't answer, but Abby did. "Back off slut, why don't you go back to your man, and leave Harry alone huh?"she asked. "But, i-, Harry is my man."i stuttered. "Not anymore, he is mine."she said, walking away wiyh Harry. What?, my man, but Harry is my man, why didn't Harry diffended me?i wondered. I new it, am not good enough for him, he was just using me. I ran towards the girls bathroom, crying. I reached the bathroom, but made sure no one was in there. I am not good for Harry, he used me, maybe to get Abby jealous. I can't believe, i said i liked him. I can't understand, Abby's statement, i only had him, i didn't cheat. Maybe it was Kate and Abby playing tricks on Harry, i don't know what to believe right now. I straitened up myself, and went outside the bathroom. I went back to my locker, and took out my books. I head off to my first period. When i stepped inside the classroom, all eyes were on me, i spotted, Jade so i quickly sat down beside her. "Jazzy, were you crying?"she asked. "No."i lied to her. "Jasmine, i know you are crying, tell me what's wrong."she said softly. I told her all that happened, and also what i think had happened. "Omg, Jazzy am so sorry, am gonna talk to him and find out what's going on, he can't hurt my bff, and get away with it."she said. "Ok, i don't think that's a good idea."i told her. "Not a good idea, when i done talk to him he will, know where he came from."she said. I then started to cry, because all what happened was replaying, over and over in my head. "Jazzy don't cry, there must be some explanation, for that."she said, while comforting me. After she comforted me, our, History teacher walked in. "Good morning class, please be quiet, and read page 92."our teacher said. I took out my book and turned to the page to read. I couldn't read, my mind was not functioning well, at all. "Oh before i forgot to tell you guys that, Friday, you will be receiving your test."the teacher said. Why? I asked myself, today is the worst day of my life could it become any worst?i wondered. I began to think about when me and Harry went to our first date, it was so nice, he was so sweet. I know he didn't do what he did for spite. Kate and Abby must tell him things, and he really believes them over me?I questioned myself. As all these thoughts ran through my head the bell ringed signalling for my next session. "Jazzy, which subject do you have next?"Jade asked me. "I have english, you?"i asked her. "Same, now i can keep you company, lets go to our class."she said. We both walked to our class, as usual, when i step in the class, all eyes were staring at me. I knew Jade felt my acwardness, because she whispered to me saying that i must relax and just ignore. I nodded my head, and began to walk towards an empty chair. I sat down, wanting for Jade to sit beside me, she did, and i just stared into space. "Jazzy, you need to stop worring, yourself, you know you didn't cheated on him, so don't make it bother you."Jade said. "That's easy for you to say, cause you ain't in my shoes."i told her."i said. "Its easy for me to say because, i want the best for you."she said. "I know Jade, but its hard, i just- i just can't stop thinking about him."i told her. "If you can't stop thinking about him, i bet he is thinking about you."she said. "Yea, he is thinking about how i cheated on him, when i didn't."i said to her. "Ok Jazzy, just try and think about something, that doesn't consists with Harry."she told me. "Ok, i will try my best."i told her. "It looks like our teacher will not be attending class."Jade said. "Yea, it looks so to."i said. "Jazzy, it hurts to see you like this."she said. "How do you see me?"i asked. "Well, first of all, you look dead, and second , you look broken."she said. "Well that's because i am."i said flatly. "Am sorry Jazzy."she said. "Its okay, i deserve it anyway."i told her. "No you don't Jazz, you don't deserve none of this, you have been through alot."she said. Jade continue to comfort me, in the best way she could, until the bell ringed, signalling that we had lunch. Jade and i got up, and walked out of class, and headed of to the cafeteria. Before we entered i told Jade that i don't wanna go in there. "Ok, well am not hungry, so lets just go outside, for some fresh air."Jade said. "Sure."i told her. We walked outside the school, and sat under a tree. We didn't say anything to each other, we just enjoyed the silence. Finally we heard the bell, so we quickly went inside. We went to our locker, and took out our books. Luckily me and Jade has the same classes together. So we both walked to our class. We were really early, so it was just us alone in the classroom. Again, we didn't say anything to each other. A little while after, children started to fill up the room. When everyone was seated, the teacher stepped in. He greated us, and began to teach, i wasn't paying attention, i was just let my mind wonder off into space.
*****After school*****
School was finally over, Jade and i was walking in the hall way, when we saw Abby and Harry making out in a corner.
I can't believe my eyes, i must be dreaming. Jade and i quickly made it outside. "Am really sorry Jazzy, i can't get to go talk to him, but i will text him, if you give me his number."she said. I gave her his number, she said she will text him and find out why he was doing all this. I was so heart broken, when i saw Harry and Abby making out, right before my very eyes. Jade had to go home now, so we said our goodbyes and i went my way, and so did she.
*****At home*****
When i reached, home, i knew that my mom was at work, i quickly went up to my room. As i reached inside my room i began to cry hard. I opened my draw, and took out my blade, ready to cut myself, but a voice inside my head say i must not do it, and another voice say i must do it.
I decided to go with the voice that said i must cut myself. I placed the blade on my skin, and began to cut. I made 5 cuttings on my wrist. I felt a bit sick, and tierd so i closed my eyes, and make the darkness take over my body.
** I hoped you guys like this chapter. Please vote and comment, and also follow. Will Jasmine be able to cope with all this drama, read the next chapter to find out.

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