𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3

885 21 39

(Tysm for 124 readers, I actually think to recontinue it, so let's  continue it)

~Time skips when they are 16-17 y/o (Present)~

<Jake already joined music club>

*Henry and Liam fighting for a dumb reason*

*Drew's just watching RosyClozy channel*

<Jake POV>

*Walking through school* -Jake

*Sees Jomies* -Jake

"Hey, guys!" -Jake

"Oh hey there Jake, let's go to locker before we're late," -Drew

"Sure, let's go," -Jake

"Wait for us!" -Henry and Liam

<Time skips where it's lunchtime>

<Still Jake POV>

"Bro, she is a gold digger, why are you so blind." -Henry

"Shut up, I didn't ask." -Drew

"Drew, you should stop being blind." -Liam

"Ugh whatever," -Drew

Hah.. it's been 1 year since I met Drew and I have been thinking differently about Drew this lately.. I don't know, but whenever I'm seeing his face, I could feel my face turning red and my heart began to skip a beat. It's like an effect that I had with Daisy. Am I falling in love with both Daisy and Drew? This can't be happening? 

(Let's say Daisy is a boy in this AU 🤓)

"Jake?Jake.Jake??Jake!JAKE!!!" -Drew

"Huh?" -Jake

"Why do you keep ignoring me?" -Drew

"No just kinda zoned out sorry." -Jake

"Well, you keep zoned out this past day, what's on your head?" -Drew

"Haha nothing!" -Jake

*suspicious eyes sight*

"Nothing! Really!" -Jake

"Well ok.." -Drew

"Oh, check the time, I better go, cya!" -Jake

<Drew POV>

ugh, what's up with him? Why he kept hiding things from me..

*Liam and Henry flirting with each other*

"Could you guys quit flirting?" -Drew

"Nah your just jealous." -Henry

"FR FR." -Liam

"Ugh whatever" *rolls eyes* -Drew

<Jake POV>

"Hey gu-" -Jake 

*Hears singing sound* *Peaks through door*

*Hailey sings 'I'm blue' beautifully 😩💅*

"I'm blue, I will bleed I will die, I will bleed I will die" -Hailey the emo girl

(Guys 'I'm Blue' song becomes an emo song 🖤)

*shocked as f_ck* -Jake

"Damn Hailey! You're really good at singing! Why won't you just do due with me?" -Jake

"Nah, I have stage fright" -Hailey, the pick me girl

"It's alright! If you fu_ked up on stage, I'll fix it with singing by myself." -Jake

"Oh, that's a pretty good idea, sure! UwU" -Hailey, my bitch

Omg I didn't know Hailey could sing like an angel (emo (jk jk💀💅🖤)

*So they prepared for due for like days Idk 🙄*

<After several days>

(I'll just do it in the next chapter cause my brain out of storage rn)

(See you in the next chapter)

~My Love for You~ (Tmf JakexDrew)Where stories live. Discover now