My Mistake

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So it was thursday and i was bored in class. I couldnt take math anymore so i asked could i use the bathroom and left. I left craig in there and i just laughed. Usually he leaves me but this time i left him

Me- (starts getting a drink of water)

2 class periods went by and it was time for spanish class. It was actually my favorite to learn about because i would always pass. even if i didnt know some words i still passed.

Craig- jacob whats this word?

Man i hated when people asked me that. Its called FIND IT OUT YOURSELF

Me- to buy

Craig- thanks

Im not a mean person its just im not smart at everything in spanish. like i know the basics like hi which is hola , bonita which is pretty and other things

Craig- what you get on that test

Me- 98

Craig- you need to let me cheat i mean give me some of the answers

Me- nah . your good

Me and craig laughed. I was smart in spanish and he was smart in music. No other subjects.... But we liked sports

Teacher- okay class , we''re having a new student today

Me- (looks at the front of the class)

It was her. The girl from the park yesterday... the same one.

Teacher- this is her first going to a pubic school because she was always home schooled.

Weird. I knew it ,

Teacher- So i dont want you guys to give her a hard time on her day. and dont give her a hard time at all because..... yn is deaf


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