Reincarnation spell (edited)

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First life (ancient Greece 2000 years ago)

Silas Pov

I growled as I struggled to create the spell I needed. I walked out of the room and to the room she was in. My little sister is the most important woman in my life. Her strange illness was taking her strength away from her.

This illness was so strange. She couldn't stand without feeling like her feet were in a blazing fire. She could barely raise her hand to cup my cheek anymore. She was unable to breathe correctly, yet she looked healthy. So, I needed to make a spell that would give her life again even after she died. But not an immortal kind of life.

My dear sister never had a childhood because of how weak she was before this illness, and now she won't get to fall in love. If I get this spell to work after she dies, her soul will eventually get reborn in another body and have no memory of this life or me. But she will look and act the same as she does now. And if she dies again, she will be reborn again and again.

I smirked as I hurried back as I just figured out how to complete the spell. "Oh, Y/N, my sister, my world. I'm finally going to be able to give you another chance at life with this spell."

After completing the spell, I ran to Y/n and gently woke her up. She smiled at me as she opened her eyes, and I immediately started the spell. Once finished, I looked at her. She was still sick, but her soul was glowing like it should. A white gold glow that was so beautiful and so pure that anyone who looked upon her would never hurt her and only want to protect her. I turned away from her, starting to worry. "Brother, what are you doing," she said weakly. I threw the spell page into the fire. "Brother, no." She screamed and tried to get up. I quickly rushed to her and gently pushed her back down, "Y/n, my beautiful sister. Rest, please. I know you don't want to think about living a life without me, but please, I have to destroy it so people don't try to reverse it."

She started crying, "But I'll miss you." She started to sound weaker, and I knew she was going to die soon. "I'll be okay, and so will you." I gently kissed her lips. If people found out how I truly felt for my sister, I would be shamed, but my sister was my world, and I would get on my hands and knees for her. She smiled as she took her last breath, and I cried.

Is this okay? I had a specific idea for this story, but I'm unsure if this is understandable for how I want it to be.

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