First Love and Drastic change (edited)

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Second life (where Klaus and his siblings lived when they were human)

Klaus Pov

I laughed as I chased after the most beautiful creature in the world. Quickly tackling her, we rolled in the grass, laughing after we fell. "Niklaus, my love, you'll get us dirty rolling around like this."

Y/n was the most beautiful girl in our village. My brother and I found her lost in the forest one day; her clothes were torn, and dirt and blood covered her skin. We brought her back home for our mother to heal her. She told us that her family was part of a traveling tribe. They never stayed in one place for long. Two nights ago, they were attacked by wolves. Her father urged her to run, and she ran. She ran for days until we found her. Mother welcomed her with open arms, but father seemed displeased with her. I soon found out why when she started defending my 'childish' actions, in his opinion, as warrior bonding. Something she said was encouraged by her tribe so that Elijah and I would trust each other in battle when the time came. She would often go looking for herbs at my mother's request.

"Darling? My love? NIKLAUS!" "Yes, my angel?" I asked, looking down at her glowing form. The whitish-gold glow coming off her body was angelic, and not even my mother could explain how it was happening, but I found it alluring. "What are you thinking about?" She asked, smiling and cupping my cheek. I remembered the other night when she told me about a tribal wedding tradition.


"Do you see that bright star near the moon, my love? We call that star Evangeline, which means 'bearer of good news.' It's a tradition that the wedding begins during a full moon when the star is brightest." She explains excitedly. I smile as I imagine us doing this tradition, "Why under this star, my world?" A blush appears across her cheeks, "For luck. Whoever gets married under Evangeline will be blessed with a happy marriage."

Back to present

"Just remembering when you told me about your traditions." I smiled at her. She sat up and placed a kiss on my lips. "We should head back. Your father is a cruel man who will hurt you."

Time skip to after they become Originals

On the cover of the night, Elijah and I went looking for Y/n. We had a plan to have our mother turn her into a vampire like us. After, we would run away. My siblings and me with my love. Once far from our parents, Y/n, and I will get married and be together for eternity. "Niklaus over there," Elijah said, pointing to two people, one on the ground and the other standing over them with what looked like a knife. "NO!" Running up, knowing it was what I feared. Father had found out about my plan and attacked Y/n.

Falling to my knees as my father walked away, my other siblings came running as I cradled the woman who held my heart in her hands and protected it. "My light doesn't die, please." I cried as she smiled up at me, the glow dimming as life left her body. "It's okay, my king. Just promise not to forget me." She cups my cheek. 'My king' is her favorite name to call me, "How could I ever forget my goddess?" She smiles as death finally takes hold of her, taking my heart with her.

New Orleans, year 1914 (Marcel is still a human child during this time, right?)

"Klaus, may I ask who Y/n is?" As I painted my goddess's portrait, Marcel's voice rang through the quiet room. A tear left my eye as her name wounded my cold, broken heart. "Where did you hear that name, little warrior?" my back still turned. I had given that name with that meaning because it came from her tribe. "Mr. Elijah and Mr. Kol were arguing, and that name kept coming up. I was curious about who she was to you." He looked guilty for admitting to eavesdropping. "Let's just say that if she was here today, Marcel. I would have been a much better man than I am now." Marcel cautiously approached me and looked at the painting I was working on. "Is this her? She's beautiful."

(I updated this a little)

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