Welcome back, party! (edited)

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Caroline POV

I was excited to see Y/n. I wanted to throw a party for her but didn't want to force her. She woke up from a coma just yesterday. I knocked on the door, and Damon stood at it when it opened. "Damon? Why the hell are you here?" Elena appeared behind him. "A vampire was stalking me, and I called Damon and Stefan to come over. Luckily, I did because the vampire tried to enter Y/n's room." I nodded. "I want to throw a party for Y/n. I asked Tyler If we could use his place. I want to take her out to buy an outfit." Y/n walked down the stairs just then. "I would love to go shopping with you."

Y/n's POV

Caroline and I giggled as we looked for party clothes for me. There was a dress that I loved.

But Caroline found a pretty sundress

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But Caroline found a pretty sundress.

I bit my lip, thinking about which one

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I bit my lip, thinking about which one. Caroline groaned as she looked behind me. "Hello Caroline, who's this?" a female British voice commented. "Looking at dresses, Rebekah. There's a party tonight for Y/n here." I turned around and looked at Rebekah. When our eyes met, she looked shocked to see me. I smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Rebekah. Do you think you could help us pick a dress for me, please? I like this one, but the one Caroline picked out is beautiful." Rebekah snapped out of her shock and looked at the dresses. "I think the darker purple dress would look better on you. Anyway, I need to go." With that, she vamps speed off, leaving Caroline and me behind, looking confused.

Rebekah's POV

I quickly left Caroline and the girl at the store. It was impossible, Y/n looked exactly like Klaus's first love Y/n. She looked, acted, and sounded exactly like the Y/n Klaus loved when we were still human. I opened the door to our house; Klaus was drinking again, most likely thinking about how to annoy the Salvatore Brothers. There was nobody else in the room, which was probably best. Klaus hated being reminded of Y/n; he knew he had changed drastically from the man he was when she was alive to the monster he was today.

I lightly knocked on the wall to get his attention. Klaus looked up and smiled, "Ah, Rebekah, I was just thinking about how to piss off the Salvatores. We could kidnap the Doppelgänger's sister. That would get them angry." I gave him a look of sympathy, "I saw her today, Elena's sister." Klaus smirked and refilled his glass, "And what are your thoughts on the new Gilbert girl?"

I shifted my feet uncomfortably, "Her name is Y/n, and she's exactly like our Y/n." Klaus gripped his glass. "Don't bring her up, Rebekah. I still have nightmares about Mikael killing her." I persisted, "But Klaus, they're the same. It's like she is our Y/n." Klaus gripped the glass so hard it shattered, "I SAID DO NOT MENTION Y/N, SHE IS GONE REBEKAH. JUST LEAVE IT." Tears welled in Klaus's eyes, and he looked broken, so I changed the subject. "Well, there's going to be a party happening at the Lockwood Manor. We could go just to put everybody on edge." Klaus nods, trying to calm himself, I quickly leave, so I don't make things worse.

Klaus's POV

I stayed in a corner during the party. I was still upset with Rebekah for bringing up Y/n. Tyler, one of my hybrids, came to stand next to me. "Why are you here, Klaus?" Tyler demanded. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "I'm just here to see this mysterious Gilbert girl that this party is for." Tyler growled and grabbed my shirt, "Leave her alone. I won't let you hurt her." I growled, shoving his hand away, and decided to look for my siblings and everyone else I knew.

Stefan and Elena were in a corner flirting, it seemed. Kol and Bonnie had an odd friendship. Bonnie hates us, Mikaelson, but they became friends since Kol used to do magic before becoming an Original. Fin and Rebekah were talking at the food table, and Elijah was discussing something with Damon, it appeared. Looking around more, I spotted Caroline. She appeared to be talking and laughing with someone, but some idiot was in the way.

When the person moved, everything stopped, and I couldn't breathe. Standing with Caroline was a girl who looked exactly like my Y/n. She had the same smile, hair, and a glowing aura around her, just like she had. Tyler seemed to notice who I was staring at and got angry. "Leave Y/n alone, Klaus. She doesn't need to be dragged into the supernatural."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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