New Life (edited)

197 17 6

3rd Person Pov

Elena sat at the Salvatore mansion, watching as Damon and Klaus argued about something she wasn't concerned about. She had other things on her mind. Her sister Y/n had been in a coma for months, and Elena had just received a call that she had woken up. She stood up, interrupting the argument.

"I need to leave," she said, hastily snatching her purse and making a beeline for the door. "What's going on?" Damon inquired, trailing after her. "My sister regained consciousness from her coma," Elena responded, her pace unrelenting as she swung open the door and strode toward her car. Without hesitation, Damon joined her, settling into the passenger seat. "I'll accompany you," he declared.

Elena didn't object, and they drove to the hospital together. When they arrived, Elena went to sign Y/n out while Damon waited in the car. Jeremy had already arrived, and they all returned to Elena's house.

During the car ride, Elena and Jeremy explained to Y/n about the supernatural world. Y/n was shocked but seemed to take it in stride. When they arrived home, they ordered pizza and settled in for a sibling night.

As they waited for the pizza to arrive, Elena couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching them. She peeked through the blinds and saw nothing, but the feeling persisted. When the pizza arrived, Y/n went to answer the door, but Elena stopped her.

"Let me get it," she said, grabbing her phone and quickly texting Damon and Stefan that she suspected a vampire was watching the house.

Damon and Stefan arrived shortly after, and they all ate pizza. The conversation turned to the supernatural world, and Y/n asked about the Salvatore's and Mikaelson's.

As the night wore on, Elena noticed that Y/n seemed uncomfortable. She looked around the room to see if anything could be causing it. That's when she saw a figure outside the window.

Her eyes widened with a sense of urgency as she leaned in close and whispered, "There's someone outside." Her index finger made a swift, silent motion, beckoning Damon and Stefan to follow her.

They stealthily made their way outside, the moon casting eerie shadows across the deserted street. As they rounded the corner, they stumbled upon a vampire, its menacing figure cloaked in darkness. Damon and Stefan sprang into action with precision and swiftness, swiftly neutralizing the threat. Despite their efficiency, Elena couldn't shake off the lingering fear from the encounter.

"What if there are more?" she asked, looking up at Damon and Stefan. "We'll stay the night," Stefan said. "Just to be safe."

Elena nodded, feeling grateful for their help. They all settled in for the night, but Elena couldn't shake the feeling that something was still off.

In the middle of the night, she heard Y/n screaming. She rushed to her sister's room and found her curled up in a ball, far away from the window. Elena looked over and saw that the glass was smashed.

She quickly rushed to the window and saw Damon and Stefan standing over a dead vampire. "Is everything okay?" Y/n asked, peeking out from under her covers. Elena smiled, feeling relieved. "Everything's fine now."

(I need to know. Should I add something more to this? I feel like something is missing, but I don't know what it is?)

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