christmas toooown

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the title has nothing to do with the chapter uMMM

the closest thing to christmas art i made of harvey and my dumb farmer save file, i did a fan art again 😔

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the closest thing to christmas art i made of harvey and my dumb farmer save file, i did a fan art again 😔

to make up for it, here's the OCs that no one cares abt

yea i really hated everything abt this drawing EXCEPT how cal looked so,,, naturallly i just cropped him- the only context i will provide is sirens and i may or may not explain that more later, depends on if i remember

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yea i really hated everything abt this drawing EXCEPT how cal looked so,,, naturallly i just cropped him- the only context i will provide is sirens and i may or may not explain that more later, depends on if i remember

Veronica and Kiv on a date bc my heart needs something soft as if everything else i draw isn't something soft bc that's the only form of media my walnut brain is capable of producing and consuming without deep frying itself

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Veronica and Kiv on a date bc my heart needs something soft as if everything else i draw isn't something soft bc that's the only form of media my walnut brain is capable of producing and consuming without deep frying itself

Veronica and Kiv on a date bc my heart needs something soft as if everything else i draw isn't something soft bc that's the only form of media my walnut brain is capable of producing and consuming without deep frying itself

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completely random but how abt i drop some demon lords in here-

based on the seven deadly sins bc that's a very original concept that no one else has ever done, this is a really simplified doodle of lady lust (aka venus) and she's talking abt lord greed (aka midas)

another very simplified doodle, he wears the veil thing bc people who ARENT the other sins literally can't look at his face because one it's blinding it's literally fire and two he's the personification of pure greed, but his is taken a little mor...

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another very simplified doodle, he wears the veil thing bc people who ARENT the other sins literally can't look at his face because one it's blinding it's literally fire and two he's the personification of pure greed, but his is taken a little more literally than the other six so looking at him drives mortals insane, it's part of their curses which is part of the overhaul im doing on them

may draw them again soon so i can show them, or i may just dig up their slightly old references depends on what i have more energy for

anyway slightly long-ish chapter??? prepare for more art now that christmas is passed bc i am just trying to enjoy the hell out of the rest of break peace

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