Zodiac #37

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The signs as nuisances:

Aries: Those painful hiccups

Taurus: Sand getting in your shoes

Gemini: Your sleeves getting wet while washing your hands

Cancer: Pencil lead breaking while writing a sentence

Leo: Phone smacking your face while laying in bed

Virgo: Losing your train of thought

Libra: The nail that snags on your sweater and pulls the string all out

Scorpio: Hangnails - Peeling your hangnail, which causing more skin to come off, then burns and bleeds

Sagittarius: Hand not fitting in the Pringles jar

Capricorn: YouTube videos that are buffering

Aquarius: Sauce that squirts out of the sides of your Pizza Rolls

Pisces: Spending 9 hours untangling your earphones

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