Zodiac #153

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The signs as grocery shoppers:

Aries: buys all junk food, doesn't buy what you truly need

Taurus: forgets grocery list at home, tries best to remember everything

Gemini: ends up spending $200 more than you wanted to

Cancer: flies cart down the isles like a elegant Olympic ice skater

Leo: the one who is a few cents short but the cashier let's them go

Virgo: sneaks into the 10 or less items lane when you actually have 11

Libra: frantically looks everywhere to make sure you don't find anyone you know from school to prevent awkward conversations

Scorpio: dances in the isles causing boxes and cans to fall over

Sagittarius: the one who needs to find a bathroom which is at the other side of the store

Capricorn: the one who waves at the security cameras when walking through the door

Aquarius: pretty much groans the whole time, begs for a quarter for the bubblegum machine at the exit

Pisces: instantly goes to the Starbucks stand and buys a coffee then carts around the deli section

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