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A/N i do not own PJATO or HOO. all characters belong to Rick Riordan!

Which floor i got? i got floor 26. i we rode up the elevator, one by one, people exited out of the elevator. Soon, after 1 minute, which felt like 1 hour because of my ADHD, i walked into my floor. standing in front of me was a glossed, wood door. i jingled my keys inside and opened the door.

"Welcome to the new Bunker 9!" inside was coolest workshop ever. it had all the invention, tools, and blueprints in Bunker Nine. it even had my attempts on recreating Arhimedes' spheres. to the side, was a section of the penthouse with a wicked bed, sorta like the one in the Hephaestus cabin that i sleep on, but even cooler.

"Best. Penthouse. Ever!" i shouted. Just as Francis said, there was a bronze spiral staircase, no doubt connecting to someone else's room. wanting to find out who my new neighbor was, i rushed up the stairs and knock on the small door that separated the rooms, or should a say penthouse!

"Hello? anyone home?" i joked. of course someone was there! suddenly, i heard someone walking toward the door. Click, creeeak! 

"Oh hey Beauty Queen! looks like we are neighbors!" Piper rolled her eyes and started closing the small opening. wanting to see her penthouse, i slam my hand against the door and quickly hoisted myself up to her penthouse.

"Holy Hephaestus!" i cried. Guessing that my face looked kinda weird, Piper folded her arms.

"What? got a problem with my room Repair Boy?" snapped Piper.

"Its just... er... really... pink" i wasn't joking. the room screamed pink! the walls were rose pink, her king-sized bed was a light hot pink and blue, her rug was pink, her nightstand was pink, her desk was pink, and her drawer was pink too.

"Looks like an Aphrodite girl's paradise!" i said, trying to lighten Piper's mood. i bet she was real upset with her mom. Hey, i  would be too if Hephaestus decorated my room pink! Piper punched me hard in the arm.

"Oww! don't punch me just because my room is awesome-r!" i rubbed my arm, hoping that the pain would subside. it didn't.

"Pipes, you need to calm down! I'm sure you can paint the walls!"

"Your right, and sorry." with that apology, she punched me again in the same place.

"Ow! are you trying to kill me? or are you just jealous of my good looks?" i joked. seriously, this girl could become a pro boxer! she had some power!

"That was for calling me Beauty Queen and Pipes." piper said, while she laughed.

"Whats going on?" Conner strolled inside.

"I-heheh-love your-heheh-penthouse" Soon, Conner was in a laughing fit. Piper stuck out her tongue and made i think, a constipated face. Conner climbed the stairs, and disappeared into his penthouse. Piper sighed very loudly and plopped on her couch.(by the way, its pink)

"Mother already knows that i don't like pink! i now she magically altered my closet so that everything is girly!" she pointed to her closet. slowly, i opened her closet door and took a peek. Inside, there were dresses, skirts, blouses, tank tops, girly shirts, skinny jeans, short, short jeans shorts, and a million shoes and accessories. i bet half of everything were designer brands.

"Wow, thats something" i said dizzily. i think Aphrodite put way too much perfume inside that closet.

"I don't know what to do about it! my camp t-shirts disappear along with my comfy jeans! I bet this is mother's way of making me become more girly." Piper pouted and her eyes had a distressed look.

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