The Land Of Opportunity

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No one p.o.v

Y/N started to pack his things and just wanted to leave the area after what just happened.

Y/N: I can't believe Baron did that, cost me my dream, attack me all for himself just what the hell man.

Cole: Hey bro I had nothing to do with it!

Y/N: It fine Cole let's just get out of here.

HHH: Hey we're your going Buzz.

Y/N: Of course he turn up now.

HHH: What come on why not stay, have some catering, watch a match beside who know when you can eat well like this again.

Y/N: I'm not hungry.

HHH: We not done yet. I have eye's and ears everywhere and as soon they informed Baron was the masked attack all I had to was light the fire he created. It some convincing for him to do the match, I even said I keep his secret but I was going to expose him anyway. Oh and one more thing I bought your contact from Baron so I own you now. So i guess can consider tonight your retirement match beacuse as long as I'm around you never be in a ring again. Now we're done here.

???: Hold on guy's

Just then Kurt angle and Daniel bryan turned up.

Just then Kurt angle and Daniel bryan turned up

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HHH: What do two want?

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HHH: What do two want?

Bryan: We could hear what going and we have a different idea.

HHH: This doesn't concern you.

Bryan: Actually it does. As the GM'S of raw and smackdown we always look for new talent, and from are perspective this guy deserves to be on the main roster. From what we seen here and his run on the idndes

Kurt: It be a waste to have him under contract sitting on the sidelines doing nothing.

HHH: Look I have made my decision.

Bryan: Aren't you also saying "what best for business"

Kurt: He does always say that Daniel.

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