Ch 9: Meeting a brother

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< {Uriel p.o.v} >

After following the two angels for a while, I came to see a sight I never thought I'd be seeing in heaven.

"A arena...?" I was standing in front of a ginormous, pure white arena.

Though I didn't stand there and wonder for long as the two angels just entered through the top of the arena. Descending down to the ground, nobody seems to notice me. Leaning toward the wall, I patiently waited to see what will happen.

"HELLOOOOOO EVERYBODYYYYY!!!! ARE Y'ALL READYYYYY?!?!!" A loud booming voice came from the middle of the arena.

After his greeting, loud cheers erupted from the crowd of angels.

"To think such wild behavior in heaven..." There weren't much for me to say, so I decided to be silent for the time being.

"ALRIGHTY!!! NOW LET US BEGIN!!!! ASSSSS YOU ALL KNOW OUR HOST, THE NEW, GREATER ARCHANGELS ARE ALSO HERE TODAY FOLKS!!!" After his loud booming voice, the sound of gears could be heard and the arena started shaking.

The are around also shake violently, but soon came to a stop, though in the northwest corner there were a open section with five thrones and one angels sitting on each of them. Those must be the new archangels.

"Five...? Shouldn't there be seven...?" Since I had been one of the seven archangels for aeons, seeing a sudden number change surprised me a little, though this was only a minor thought that doesn't need to me answered.

After the crowd went back to being quiet, the gates in the arena opened. Walking out of the gates, I quickly recognized who it was.

"Micheal...?" It did come as a shock, especially with his current appearance.

His body was full of scars, his clothes was dreaded and bloodied. He didn't look like anything like I could remember.


I jumped out of the arena. I'm sure I was seen by an angel, but I didn't care too much.

"...I'll sneak in and try talking to them after this..." I was a little nervous about that plan, though I believe I am more than strong enough to handle the guards.

I just waited, and waited, and waited, until the arena was silent. The sun didn't go down since heaven is a land of eternal light. It'll make it harder to sneak in unfortunately. I believe that the arena battles have ended as angels began leaving.

"This is probably my time..." Walking around the arena, I saw a second gate inside.

The gate was guarded by eight guards. They seem to take turns, having a group taking a break and the other standing guard. There doesn't really seem to be an opportunity to sneak in.

"Tch..." It was a little frustrating, if possible, I wanted to get in without violence, but that doesn't seem possible.

I wanted to make it quick so I jumped at them, quickly gut punching the first. It easily knocked him unconscious. I was quite surprised, I didn't think he'd be down for the count so easily, though I didn't have time to think much as I dodge a spear that was aimed at my head. Grabbing the spear, I snapped it in two then I quickly span around and kicked him in the head. I charged at the other two angels and just neck chopped them unconscious.

"That was... quite easy" It was a lot easier than what I had expected.

They were quite weak, I could even say they haven't been assigned over a month. I didn't have a lot of time to act, since the other group could return at any given moment. I took the four unconscious angels and dragged them inside. I found a room and gently laid them down.

"Oh yeah... I will be needing that" I grabbed the key's hanging on the side and went my way.

Continuing to walk through the halls, there seemed to be only a couple doors, but there was one door that was different from the others. This door was a lot larger and seemed to be made entirely out of steel. I tried the keys, but it didn't work. The keys I had didn't work on this door, it seemed like I need to burst it open.

"Very well then..." Rounding up my punch, I struck it full force.

The door didn't budge, it was hard, really hard. The door was just standing strong.

"Impressive..." It was surprising, must doors and gates would easily break by such a punch.

Deciding that punches won't work, I got out my sword and put it close to the door. The door quickly began to melt by the heat of my sword. It didn't take long before I burned a hole inside. Looking through the door, there were a stairway leading down. Walking down the stairway, I could easily tell that this was some sort of dungeon. After a couple minutes of walking, it came to an end. At the end of the stairs was a long hallway with what seemed to be cages filled with different kinds of creatures.

"What in the names of heaven...?" It looks dreadful and sad.

I wanted to help them, but I don't know if I can. I was only here to free my siblings, and I don't know how much time I had left, so I ignored them and continued walking. Continuing to walk, I could feel something. The energy was familiar and had hints of holy power.

"That's probably one of them" Noticing what could be my siblings, I began to run in the direction.

After running for a little I came to a cage. Looking inside, I could make out the person.

"G-Gabriel..?" Looking inside, i could tell that it was Gabriel.

"Huh..?" Looking back at me, his eyes widen.

"U-Uriel..!?" Trying to stand up and run to me, he immediately collapsed on the floor.
A/n: God! How long have I been gone for? Jesus, sorry for taking so damn jesusly long!

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