chapter 8 - change

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As you know, my parents broke up.

My mom wasn't the only one that had new boyfriends. Well my dad had girlfriends.

Or a girlfriend.
I was 4 years old.

And I got a sister.
From my dad.
But she was only my half sister, we only shared the same dad.
Sometimes I visited my dad in his apartment
where he lived with his girlfriend, her son and my half sister.
My mom wasn't really happy about it.
But who would?
One day, my dad asked my mom again if I could come over to him. (Now he lived in a big house with his family)

My mom agreed.
But what she didn't knew is
that I wouldn't be there for only a day.
My dad kept me there for 3 weeks.
So, we lived together in that house, I slept in the same room as the son of my dad's girlfriend, he was 2 years younger than me and my sister she had her own room and was only around 1 year old.
I had to sleep on the floor again, with only a mattress.
It was a warm summer night, and a thunderstorm came up, me as a 4-5 year old little child was really scared of thunderstorms, the son was already sleeping, my dad and his girlfriend watched a movie 2 rooms away and me, I was laying scared on my mattress, watching the thunderstorm.
I went over to my dad and his girlfriend to tell them I was scared, but my dad only told me to get back in bed again.

I felt neglected in this house, I felt like everyone was treated better than me.

We even went on vacation together.
But it was not that long, the only thing I remember we had a beach and I was really getting along with everyone.

But of course I went home to my mom again.

And she had a boyfriend, this time she didn't only had him for a month.

When I was 5 we even went on vacation with him. It was my first real vacation out of my country. It was so damn exciting.

But the thing is, her boyfriend, he was really weird to me. Always had to sit on his lap and stuff. I'm glade that they broke up.

But it was a wonder that we even went on vacation out of our country because my mom has really bad fear of flying.

Right after this vacation I got into school.

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