🪶34 - Being Still (1)

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Cale blankly stared at the tea cup that Ron was offering him.

"...Lemon tea before bed?"

"Yes, young master."

Cale was not used to drinking lemon tea before bed. He didn't feel like drinking it, but he lifted the teacup up without saying anything else. He felt Ron's gaze on him as he took a sip of the lemon tea.

It was then that Ron started to speak.

"Young master, may I make a request?"

"Kek, what? A request?"

Cale's eyes opened wide at Ron saying the word, 'request,' and turned to look at Ron quickly. Ron still had a gentle smile on his face. Cale's eyes started to fog up, as he quickly started to think.

'This devious old man has a request for someone like me, who he thinks is useless?'

Cale had an indescribable sense of ominousness. He felt like the man who tried to get rid of a lump on his face and ended up coming back with two.

Cale calmed himself before asking in a relaxed manner.

"Alright, what is it?"

Ron immediately shared his request with Cale.

"May I have two days off?"


Cale subconsciously let out a gasp. He felt like he had his lump removed and received the set of golden and silver axes as a gift at the same time.. Cale put the teacup down and grabbed Ron's hand, before starting to rapidly speak, unlike his usual style.

"Yes. Good idea. Ron, you've worked so hard for tens of years. You had to take care of this trash of a young master. If you want a break, you can take off as long as you want. You are more than welcome to do that."

Yes, Cale would like it if Ron took a very long break. However, Ron needed to return before the capital terror incident in order to get connected to Choi Han, so two days was perfect. Cale was looking forward to enjoying the next two days without looking at this assassin's face.

Ron looked toward Cale, who was holding his hand vigorously, with curiosity. However, Cale quickly turned his gaze away from Ron and opened a dresser next to the bed. Cale removed a money pouch out of the dresser and held it up.

Cheques and large amounts of money were in the residence's safe, but there was still a lot of money in this bag as well. Cale took the whole bag and put it in Ron's hand. He was the son of a wealthy family, and really did not have anything else to give other than money.

"Here. This isn't much, but buy yourself some delicious food and enjoy your break."

Ron just blankly stared at the money pouch Cale had put in his hand.

'Buy myself delicious food and enjoy my break.'

This made Ron think about how long he had been living in hiding. He had spent that whole time taking care of this trash, this puppy young master.

He was now trying to step back out of hiding and restart his life. But there was a good chance that his future would be chaotic. If those people really had crossed over to the Western Continent, it would actually be worse than just chaotic.

'Then I should leave my son here.'

Ron looked toward the relaxed young master in front of him.

"Young master, will it really be okay?"

Cale excitedly answered Ron's question. He wanted Ron to enjoy himself so much that he would desire to leave Cale for good.

"Of course. Ron, you are qualified to enjoy a break."

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