🪶44 - Somehow (2)

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Cale could see Choi Han grabbing someone as the Black Dragon made his report. It was the person the Black Dragon determined to be in possession of the magic bomb.

Cale could see the necklace on the person's neck.

'That must be it.'

Cale could see Choi Han ripping off the person's necklace. At the same time, Cale's body was jerked. Someone had pulled Cale's arm.


It was Eric Wheelsman. Cale slowly looked around him, starting with the top of the Bell Tower.


The blood crazy mage Redika was laughing.


A loud noise appeared alongside the noise of scratching metal, combining to create a terrifying screech.

"Your Highness! Please get to a safe spot!"

The Royal Knights and some mages were next to the royal family and the king in order to help them escape. Cale first looked toward the crown prince. His hair was still blonde.

'Was it not magic using mana?'

Cale remembered what the Black Dragon had said in the past. Cale decided to stop thinking about it, and continued to look around.

Half of the remaining Royal Knights and mages were working to calm the crowd and find the Mana Disturbance Tool, while the other half was rushing toward the secret organization. Redika, who had been laughing for a while now, started to speak.

"This is annoying"

With that, all of the secret organization members other than Redika started to launch long-range attacks. Spears, daggers, and throwing knives; all sorts of attacks started to pour down upon the knights.




Cale found it very loud. At the same time, the Black Dragon continued its report.

– One more human.

– And another.

9:04 am. This was the third person so far.

"Cale! We should go as well! We should go!"

"Young master Cale, hurry up!"

Cale looked toward Eric, Amiru, Gilbert, and Taylor. They had all quickly gathered around him. Eric was looking around with a chaotic expression on his face. Cale followed his lead and looked around as well.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and let us go!"

"Let us out right now!"

The nobles were fighting to get out of the plaza as quickly as possible. Of course, there were a couple calm ones as well. However, it was different underneath the platform.

"Why are you blocking the exit!"

"Open up a path!"

The citizens were screaming for the knights to open the door and rushing toward the exit. The knights and soldiers shouted back at the citizens.

"Please calm down!"

"Please wait just a moment!"

"You expect us to wait in a situation like this? Get out of our way!"

"Are you crazy?! The nobles are trying to leave right now! Let us leave as well!"

Cale looked for hands being raised in the air in the midst of that chaos.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now