Stubborn Joe

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This Fic is inspired by a work from, but instead of Nick, Joe is sick.

The day started normal, with Nick, Kevin and Joe happily eating their breakfast, with Joe fooling around as usual, when their dad entered the room.

„Meeting in the living room in ten minutes.", their dad said, clapped his hands and turned on his heel and was about to leave, when Joe uttered a slight cough. This stopped their dad dead in his tracks. He turned back and looked at them with a gaze that could burn a hole through a steel wall.

„Did someone just.......cough?", he asked, eyeing his three sons warily.
Joe looked at his brothers, who were both looking at him. He let out a laugh and turned back to his breakfast, but it was too late, his dad's attention was all on him.

„Dad, it was a cough. Not a hack, not a stroke, just a simple cough.", Joe reassured him.
Kevin put his hand onto Joe's forehead, much to his dismay.
„Don't worry dad, he feels fine.", Kevin reported. Their dad patted him on the head.

„Thank you son.", he said and applauded the good behaviour. Joe just rolled his eyes and stood up from his chair. A wave of dizziness shot through him, but he remained standing, while his green eyes clouded over. Fortunately for him, the others didn't notice. He sighed and walked towards his bedroom where he proceeded to flop his exhausted body onto the bed and closed his tired eyes. Before he knew, he was fast asleep.

After what felt like a second, someone jumped on Joe's bed, waking him up in the process.
„Hey, Joe, you slept all through the family meeting!", Kevin quipped.
„Yeah bro, it's time to practice for our concert! C'mon Joe!" Nick shook Joe's shoulders and his slightly older brother let out a harsh cough.

„Joe?", Nick asked and looked right into his face. Tired green eyes stared back at him.

„Five more minutes", the owner of the eyes slurred tiredly while he rolled over. That made his stomach do a flip and all colour drained from his face. Kevin and Nick, who hadn't noticed the change of colour in their brother's face, remained still when he excused himself to the bathroom. He was just quick enough to fall to his knees in front of the toilet when his stomach started heaving. After a few minutes of dry heaving, Joe was finally able to expel the contents of his stomach into the toilets with agonising retches. He sat on the floor for a few minutes after he was done, and when he realised that no one had come to check if he was alright, he got up. He flushed the toilet, rinsed his mouth, opened a window and left the bathroom.

Joe found Kevin and Nick already sitting in their tour bus. Kevin was giving him a funny look, but Joe was quick to dismiss it.

Unfortunately, the bus ride was the last straw for poor Joe's stomach. It was now twisting, turning and flipping about wildly and cramping horribly. „Surely there can't be anything more to puke out" Joe thought to himself. But alas, he was wrong. Sure enough, he felt bile rise in his throat after a few minutes of pure agony. After an especially painful wave of nauseating cramps hit him, he got up and rushed to the bathroom on the bus.

After closing the door and dropping to his knees once again, the twenty-one year old was left in front of the toilet heaving stomach acid into the toilet. It burned his throat on the way out and tears pricked at the corners of Joe's eyes. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, followed by a very concerned sigh. „You okay in there, Joe?", Nick asked.

Joe heard Nick lean against the door and answered. „Yeah, I'm fine, I just had to pee, I'm okay really.". To put more emphasis on his statement, he let out a little laugh, although it burned in his throat. He then got off of the floor, rinsed his mouth and flushed the toilet when he felt nothing more coming up. As he opened the door, he found Nick standing there with a concerned look etched onto his face. „What are you standing here for? You're making me a little uneasy.", Joe quipped with fake cheer. As if on queue, the nauseating pit in his stomach returned and it took all of his will to remain this composed, but his eyes flashed with a bit of hurt.

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