Flu (Nick)

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So I've had massive writer's block lately so please bear with me and send some requests!

Nick knew that it was a bad idea to join Joe outside for a snowball fight. Especially if it was freezing outside and your immune system wasn't the best. Kevin already had the flu this week, so it was no surprise to Nick when he woke up the next day, tired, achy and with nausea. He groaned and closed his eyes again, hoping that his headache would vanish somehow.

Fervently hoping that Joe wouldn't wake him up, being as energetic as he was, Nick heard footsteps coming towards his door. A knock sounded. "Eh?", Nick managed feebly. Much to his dismay, Joe had indeed come to wake him up. Cheerful as always, Joe strutted up to Nick's bedside, his smile fading once he saw the state that his brother was in.

"Whoa, Nick! You look terrible!", Joe exclaimed. Nick rolled his eyes and groaned when another wave of nausea hit him. "Bathroom", Nick whispered almost frantically all of a sudden. Joe understood his brother's plea, picked him up and carefully carried him towards the bathroom. Once inside, Nick dropped to his knees in front of the toilet and emptied out his stomach contents.

Through the whole ordeal, Joe was rubbing his back and whispering comforting words inside his ear. When Nick was done, he collapsed weakly into Joe's arms. "Come on Nick, open your eyes for me", Joe coaxed. "You have to rinse out your mouth, then you can go back to sleep, alright?" Nick moaned and opened his eyes. "That's it, there we go", Joe said and helped him towards the sink. After Nick had rinsed out his mouth, he once again slumped against Joe and let himself be carried back to his bed.

After tucking Nick in, Joe closed the curtains and placed a bucket next to Nick's bed. Then Joe left the room in search of some medicine and water. A few minutes passed and Joe returned to Nick, softly tapping his cheek to wake him. Nick opened his eyes again and blinked at Joe with a hurt expression. "Want sleep" he mumbled.

"I know you do, at least take this medicine, it will help you feel better. Then you can go back to sleep.", Joe said, dropping two pills into Nick's hand. After taking his medicine, Nick closed his eyes again and sank back into the comforting pillows.

Joe left his room again to make some tea and toast in case Nick woke up and felt hungry. After preparing the light meal, Joe sat himself down in Nick's room, quietly placing the cup and plate on Nick's table.

Nick was sleeping for a few hours and Joe was starting to doze off as well, when he heard a soft cry of pain coming from Nick's bed. Joe was on his feet immediately and checked on his brother. He was whimpering in his sleep and had curled into a ball, arms around his stomach.

"Wake up, Nick", Joe whispered and tapped his cheek again. When Nick opened his eyes, he clasped his hands over his mouth and scrambled frantically for the bin. Joe, bless his quick reflexes, managed to get the bin under Nick just before he started heaving again. Rubbing his back again, Joe waited patiently for Nick to finish. When he was done, Joe helped Nick to the bathroom to rinse his mouth out again.

He had to carry Nick back again, because he was so exhausted from throwing up. After assuring himself that Nick was asleep again, Joe went to clean the bucket. Before he had finished his task, Nick's cries could be heard again. Joe rushed into his brother's room and found him holding his stomach again. "Bathroom, Joey", Nick moaned. Again Joe picked up Nick and almost made it to the bathroom when Nick proceeded to vomit all over Joe.

His cheeks were now flushed red from embarrassment, but Joe simply helped him into the bathroom again, where  Nick rinsed his mouth and Joe rid himself of his vomit-covered shirt. Carrying Nick back to his bed was now a bit more awkward for Joe since he wasn't wearing a shirt anymore, but since they were brothers, he guessed that it was okay.

Finally, Nick managed to sleep through for a few hours, before calling out for Joe again. Holding the bucket in front of Nick, Joe wished that his brother would get better soon. After repeating the procedure of carrying Nick to the bathroom and back, Joe got some more medicine. This time, nausea reducers and painkillers. Offering those to his brother, Joe left Nick's room again to wash out the vomit-filled bucket.

The next time that Nick woke up, the nausea was gone, but he still felt very weak. Joe entered his room again and offered him some toast, which Nick accepted gratefully. "Thanks for taking care of me, Joe", Nick said. "No problem, that's what brothers are for.", Joe replied and smiled.

Leave requests and lots of comments! Also, thanks for the many reads, I can't believe it!! You guys are the best!

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