Car crash

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Hey guys! Thanks sooooo much for all the reads, I can't thank everyone enough for it and I hope you will continue to read this book. Please, feel free to comment anytime and request any Jonas Brothers story you'd like!

"Man, our last concert was really wild!", Joe said. Kevin, who was driving, nodded. "Yeah, couldn't agree more. I love our fans!". "I totally agree as well, but could you mind checking how long it's gonna take until we're back home?", Nick interjected from the backseat of Kevin's car. "Sorry to disappoint you Nick, but this road goes on for miles, there's no one around.", Joe said, smiling sadly at his younger brother. 

Suddenly, their car swerved, left the road and tumbled down a hill before coming to a standstill at the bottom of the about fifteen-foot steep hill. The screeching of metal and the sounds of his brothers' astonished shouts was the last thing that Nick heard before darkness overtook him and he felt no more.

Joe was the first to regain his bearings after the car had come to a halt. Almost instantly, he was blinded with an agonising pain emitting from his abdomen. He looked down and saw a large metal shard sticking out of his gut. His stomach churned at the sight and he soon found himself expelling the contents of his stomach next to his seat. When he was done, he contemplated on taking the metal shard out, so it didn't cause him any further harm.

Feeling brave, he pulled off his shirt and the metal shard out from his midsection. Almost immediately, he pressed his shirt against the erupting blood threatening to spill from his wound. After tying his shirt securely around his middle to prevent the blood from flowing out, he pulled on one of his spare shirts in his backpack and wet to check on his brothers.

Kevin was slowly starting to wake up as well. After quickly scanning his eyes over Kevin, Joe confirmed that he wasn't in immediate danger, so he shifted his gaze towards Nick. His younger brother was slumped in his seat, with blood trickling down his face and neck, indicating head wounds and probably a concussion at least.

"Joe? Owww", Kevin groaned. "What's wrong, Kev? Where does it hurt?", Joe asked frantically, scrambling out of his seat as fast as his own injury would allow it and making his way towards Kevin's door. He opened it and Kevin pointed to his shoulder. "Dislocated my shoulder. Could you please help me relocate it?", Kevin asked with a pained expression on his face. Joe nodded and reset his older brother's shoulder without a warning.

Kevin let out a sharp yell, but was relieved when it only hurt so badly for a short moment. Now Kevin tried calling an ambulance and Joe went to get Nick out of the car. He was still unconscious, meaning that he had to have hit his head pretty hard when the car had crashed. Joe suppressed a wince as his wound throbbed in agony while he carried Nick up the hill again, with Kevin following close behind. Kevin was in no condition to carry Nick with his dislocated shoulder, so Joe figured that he himself had to.

"Bad news, we haven't got a signal. Better news is, that we're able to walk to the next gas station, which is only a few miles away from us.", Kevin said. Joe sighed and picked up Nick again, his injury still protesting. Kevin led the way as they started their walk towards the nearest gas station.

The first two miles, Joe managed to grit his teeth and push through the pain, but he felt himself waver and the adrenaline gradually subside, the pain becoming worse and worse with every step he took. Kevin was still holding out his phone, trying to call for help every few minutes, still oblivious to his brother's problem.

Nick hadn't stirred the whole way while Joe was carrying him, much to Kevin and Joe's concern. They had to get help very fast.

Meanwhile, Kevin had started notice the laboured, quick breathing that was coming from behind him, but he first dismissed it as Joe struggling to carry Nick. What Joe himself hadn't noticed yet, was that his would was currently slowly bleeding through his shirt. Neither did he notice the small dribble of blood that leaked out from the corners of his mouth one time.

By some kind of miracle, Kevin turned around after about twenty minutes, gasping in shock.
Joe's eyes were foggy, his shirt was bloody around his torso and there was a small trail of blood trickling down the corner of his mouth.

Then, as if on cue, Joe fainted. Kevin managed to catch Nick, but Joe flopped down on Earth like a sack of flour. By another kind of miracle, Kevin's phone seemed to have a signal now and Kevin was able to call an ambulance.

"Hang in there, Joe, Nick! Come on ", Kevin said, checking Joe's pulse until the paramedics arrived. The three Jonases were whisked off to the nearest hospital, with Joe having to get a blood transfusion, Nick with a major concussion and Kevin with his arm in a sling.

After surgery for Joe, the three brothers were all lying or sitting together in Joe's hospital room, discussing the accident. "What caused the car to veer off?", Joe asked, still quite tired from the surgery. "Well, they said the brakes had snapped somehow.", Kevin answered.  "Well, whatever it was, next time we drive, make sure we drive down a road with signal, okay?", Nick said, grinning slightly.

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